On this page
- PF29 Design of sleep provisions
- PF30 Mattress coverings
- PF31 Bedding
- PF32 Sessional over 2 sleep space
- PF33 All-day over 2 sleep space
- PF34 All-day over 2 sleep provisions
- PF35 Sessional under 2 sleep space
- PF36 Sessional under 2 cot:child ratio
- PF37 All-day under 2 sleep space
- PF38 All-day under 2 child:cot ratio
Section sign symbol (§)
A hash symbol (#) indicates criteria that may require additional comment from public health units (usually in the form of a health report) to assist the Ministry of Education in assessing services for compliance. The authority to direct a service provider to obtain a health report is outlined in Regulation 55.
Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008, Regulation 55 – New Zealand Legislation
PF29 Design of sleep provisions
# Furniture and items intended for children to sleep on (such as cots, beds, stretchers or mattresses) are of a size that allows children using them to lie flat and are of a design to ensure their safety.
The criterion aims to uphold the safety and wellbeing of children by ensuring that sleeping provisions are safe and appropriate for children using them.
PF30 Mattress coverings
# Furniture and items intended for children to sleep on (such as cots, beds, stretchers or mattresses) that will be used by more than 1 child over time are securely covered with or made of a non-porous material (that is, a material that does not allow liquid to pass through it) that:
- protects them from becoming soiled
- allows for easy cleaning (or is disposable); and
- does not present a suffocation hazard to children.
The criterion aims to prevent cross-infection by ensuring that mattresses that may be used by many children over time can be kept hygienically clean.
PF31 Bedding
Clean individual bedding (such as blankets, sheets, sleeping bags and pillowslips) is provided for sleeping or resting children that is sufficient to keep them warm.
The criterion aims to uphold the wellbeing of children by ensuring that they have clean and warm bedding when sleeping.
PF32 Sessional over 2 sleep space
Sessional services only
A safe and comfortable place to sleep (such as a bed, stretcher, mattress or couch) is available for children aged 2 and older that require sleep or rest during a session.
This criterion makes more explicit the requirement to make some provision for children who need to sleep while attending the service but recognises that it is a rare occurrence.
PF33 All-day over 2 sleep space
All-day services only
Space is available for children aged 2 and older to sleep or rest for a reasonable period of time each day. If the space used for sleeping or resting is part of the activity space, there are alternative activity spaces for children not sleeping or resting as necessary.
The criterion aims to uphold the wellbeing of children by ensuring there are adequate provisions for sleep. The criterion also aims to ensure that children who are not sleeping do not have their activities unduly limited.
PF34 All-day over 2 sleep provisions
All-day services only
Furniture or items intended for children to sleep on (such as cots, beds, stretchers or mattresses) are available for the sleep or rest of children aged 2 and older.
PF35 Sessional under 2 sleep space
Sessional services only
A designated space is available to support the provision of restful sleep for children under the age of 2 at any time they are attending. This space is located and designed to:
- minimise fluctuations in temperature, noise and lighting levels
- allow adequate supervision; and
- accommodate at least the requirements of criterion PF36, when arranged in accordance with criterion HS10.
The criterion aims to uphold the wellbeing of children by ensuring there are adequate provisions for sleep.
PF36 Sessional under 2 cot:child ratio
Sessional services only
Furniture or items intended for children to sleep on (such as cots, beds, stretchers or mattresses) are provided at a ratio of at least 1 to every 5 children under the age of 2.
PF37 All-day under 2 sleep space
All-day services only
A designated space is available to support the provision of restful sleep for children under the age of 2 at any time they are attending.
This space is located and designed to:
- minimise fluctuations in temperature, noise and lighting levels
- allow adequate supervision; and
- accommodate at least the requirements of criterion PF38, when arranged in accordance with criterion HS10.
The criterion aims to uphold the wellbeing of children by ensuring there are adequate provisions for sleep to take account of the needs and sleep patterns of individual children.
PF38 All-day under 2 child:cot ratio
All-day services only
Furniture or items intended for children to sleep on (such as cots, beds, stretchers or mattresses) are provided at a ratio of at least 1 to every 2 children under the age of 2.