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Ministry of Education New Zealand

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A hash symbol (#) indicates criteria that may require additional comment from public health units (usually in the form of a health report) to assist the Ministry of Education in assessing services for compliance. The authority to direct a service provider to obtain a health report is outlined in Regulation 55.

Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008, Regulation 55 – New Zealand Legislation

HS9 Sleep monitoring

A procedure for monitoring children's sleep is displayed and implemented and a record of children’s sleep times is kept.

Documentation required

  1. A procedure for monitoring children's sleep. The procedure ensures that children:
    • do not have access to food or liquids while in bed; and
    • are checked for warmth, breathing, and general wellbeing at least every 5 to 10 minutes, or more frequently according to individual needs.
  2. A record of the time each child attending the service sleeps, and checks made by adults during that time.


The criterion aims to uphold the safety and wellbeing of children while they are sleeping and minimise risk of harm. Requiring a documented procedure allows for parental input. Display ensures that all adults at the service are made aware of the procedure. Record-keeping requirements serve 2 purposes:

  1. to demonstrate compliance with the criterion; and
  2. to ensure that parents have access to important information about their child's sleeping patterns while at the service.

HS10 Sleep furniture spacing

# Furniture or items intended for children to sleep on (such as cots, beds, stretchers or mattresses) are arranged and spaced when in use so that:

  • adults have clear access to at least one side (meaning the length, not the width)
  • the area surrounding each child allows sufficient air movement to minimise the risk of spreading illness; and
  • children able to sit or stand can do so safely as they wake.


The criterion aims to ensure that sleeping provisions are arranged so that they do not present a hazard to children's safety and wellbeing.

HS11 Storage of sleep furniture and bedding

# If not permanently set up, furniture or items intended for children to sleep on (such as cots, beds, stretchers or mattresses) and bedding is hygienically stored when not in use.


The criterion aims to prevent cross-infection by ensuring that sleep provisions used periodically (that is, not permanently set up) are hygienically stored when not in use.