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A hash symbol (#) indicates criteria that may require additional comment from public health units (usually in the form of a health report) to assist the Ministry of Education in assessing services for compliance. The authority to direct a service provider to obtain a health report is outlined in Regulation 55.
Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008, Regulation 55 – New Zealand Legislation
HS19 Food and nutrition
Food is served at appropriate times to meet the nutritional needs of each child while they are attending. Where food is provided by the service, it is of sufficient variety, quantity and quality to meet the nutritional and developmental needs of each child. Where food is provided by parents, the service encourages and promotes healthy eating guidelines.
Documentation required
A record of all food served during the service's hours of operation (other than that provided by parents for their own children). Records show the type of food provided and are available for inspection for 3 months after the food is served.
The criterion aims to uphold the health, safety and wellbeing of children by ensuring the service meets their nutritional needs or alternatively encourages parents to do so. Requirement to keep records for 12 months has been reduced to 3, as this is considered to be a more useful minimum period of time. Record-keeping requirements serve 2 purposes:
- to demonstrate compliance with the criterion; and
- to provide useful information in the event of any allergic reactions that may develop in children attending.
HS20 Food hygiene
# Food is prepared, served and stored hygienically.
The criterion aims to uphold the health and safety of children by ensuring hygienic practices occur in regard to food.
HS21 Drinking water
# An ample supply of water that is fit to drink is available to children at all times, and older children are able to access this water independently.
The criterion aims to uphold the health and safety of children by ensuring they have access to a clean drinking water supply. Requirement for independent access is based on evidence that self-access to water enables children to maintain an adequate level of hydration.
HS22 Supervision while eating
Children are supervised and seated while eating.
Where food is provided by the service, foods that pose a high choking risk are not to be served unless prepared in accordance with best practice as set out in Ministry of Health's guide: Reducing food-related choking for babies and young children at early learning services.
Where food is provided by parents, the service promotes best practices as set out in the Ministry of Health's guide and must provide to all parents at the time of enrolment a copy of the pamphlet: Reducing food-related choking for babies and young children at early learning services.
The criterion aims to minimise the risk of choking on food and to ensure in an event of an adverse reaction appropriate action is taken.
HS23 Bottle feeding
Applies only to services licensed for under 2-year-olds
Infants under the age of 6 months and other children unable to drink independently are held semi-upright when being fed. Any infant milk food given to a child under the age of 12 months is of a type approved by the child's parent.