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Ministry of Education New Zealand

Hash symbol (#)

A hash symbol (#) indicates criteria that may require additional comment from public health units (usually in the form of a health report) to assist the Ministry of Education in assessing services for compliance. The authority to direct a service provider to obtain a health report is outlined in Regulation 55.

Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008, Regulation 55 – New Zealand Legislation

HS1 Premises and contents are safe and hygienic

# Premises, furniture, furnishings, fittings, equipment and materials are kept safe, hygienic and maintained in good condition.


The criterion aims to uphold the health and safety of children.

HS2 Laundering

# Linen used by children or adults is hygienically laundered.

Documentation required

A procedure for the hygienic laundering (off-site or on-site) of linen used by the children or adults.


The criterion aims to ensure that inadequate laundering practices do not pose a health risk to children.

HS3 Nappy changing procedure

# A procedure for the changing (and disposal, if appropriate) of nappies is displayed near the nappy changing facilities and consistently implemented.

Documentation required

A procedure for the changing (and disposal, if appropriate) of nappies.

The procedure aims to ensure:

  • safe and hygienic practices; and
  • that children are treated with dignity and respect.


Displaying the procedure ensures that every person using the facilities is made aware of the procedure to maintain general hygiene and children's safety and wellbeing.