Hash symbol (#)
A hash symbol (#) indicates criteria that may require additional comment from public health units (usually in the form of a health report) to assist the Ministry of Education in assessing services for compliance. The authority to direct a service provider to obtain a health report is outlined in Regulation 55.
Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008, Regulation 55 – New Zealand Legislation
Sun symbol (☀)
A sun symbol (☀) indicates facilities that can be located outside the premises, if services can demonstrate they have adequate access to them.
The glossary defines shared facilities and adequate access.
PF15 Eating area
There is a safe and hygienic place for children attending to sit when eating.
It is thought that this part of the regulation is rarely 'unpacked' by the Ministry of Education or the sector. There is some anecdotal evidence that it has been interpreted to mean that a dedicated dining room must be provided. This criterion expands on and makes more explicit the requirement to make some provision regarding where children eat while attending the service but does not dictate any particular arrangement.
PF16 Kitchen facilities
# ☀ There are facilities for the hygienic preparation, storage and/or serving of food and drink that contain:
- a means of keeping perishable food at a temperature at or below 4°C and protected from vermin and insects
- a means of cooking and/or heating food
- a means of hygienically washing dishes
- a sink connected to a hot water supply
- storage; and
- food preparation surfaces that are impervious to moisture and can be easily maintained in a hygienic condition.
The criterion aims to uphold children's safety by ensuring that there are facilities to support the hygienic preparation and storage of food.
PF17 Kitchen access
Kitchen and cooking facilities or appliances are designed, located or fitted with safety devices to ensure that children cannot access them without adult assistance or supervision.
Criterion aims to uphold children's safety by ensuring that they are unable to access hazardous equipment or activities (such as hot food/liquid being transferred from the stove to the bench by a staff member whilst preparing a meal) unless adequately supervised.