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Ministry of Education New Zealand

HS31 Child protection

A process for the prevention of child abuse is implemented, and a procedure for responding to suspected child abuse is followed when required.

Documentation required

  1. A written child protection policy that contains:
    • provisions for the service’s identification and reporting of child abuse and neglect
    • information about the practices the service employs to keep children safe from abuse and neglect; and
    • information about how the service will respond to suspected child abuse and neglect.
  2. A procedure that sets out how the service will identify and respond to suspected child abuse and/or neglect.

HS32 Inappropriate material

All practicable steps are taken to protect children from exposure to inappropriate material (for example, of an explicitly sexual or violent nature).


The criterion aims to uphold the safety and wellbeing of children by ensuring that pornographic or violent material (electronic games, DVDs, websites, magazines and so on) is not available to children.

HS33 Alcohol and other substances

No person on the premises uses, or is under the influence of, alcohol or any other substance that has a detrimental effect on their functioning or behaviour during the service's hours of operation.


The criterion aims to uphold the safety and wellbeing of children.