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Ministry of Education New Zealand

GMA8 Annual plan

An annual plan guides the service's operation.

Documentation required

An annual plan identifying 'who', 'what', and 'when' in relation to key tasks the service intends to undertake each year, and how key tasks will have regard to the Statement of National Education and Learning Priorities (NELP).


An annual plan is part of good business practice and will show the Ministry of Education how the service intends to ensure ongoing compliance with all regulatory requirements and criteria.

GMA9 Annual budget

An annual budget guides financial expenditure.

Documentation required

An annual budget setting out the service’s estimated revenue and expenses for the year. The budget includes at least:

  • staffing costs, including leave entitlements
  • professional development costs
  • equipment and material costs for the ongoing purchase of new equipment and consumable materials; and
  • provision for operational costs (such as electricity, telephone, food purchases, and other day-to-day items) and maintenance of the premises as appropriate.


The criterion will provide the Ministry of Education with evidence of the service's ability to continue to meet regulatory standards and criteria and afford the financial costs of providing a quality licensed service.

Updated 21 July 2011.

GMA10 Enrolment records

Enrolment records are maintained for each child attending. Records are kept for at least 7 years.

Documentation required

Enrolment records for each child currently attending and for those who have attended in the previous 7 years.

Records meet the requirements of the ECE funding handbook and include at least:

  • the child's full name, date of birth, and address
  • the name and address of at least 1 parent
  • details of how at least 1 parent (or someone nominated by them) can be contacted while the child attends the service
  • the name of the medical practitioner (or medical centre) who should, if practicable, be consulted if the child is ill or injured
  • details of any chronic illness/condition that the child has, and of any implications or actions to be followed in relation to that illness/condition
  • the names of the people authorised by the parent to collect the child; and
  • any court orders affecting day-to-day care of, or contact with, the child.

6-1 Enrolment records

GMA11 Attendance records

An attendance record is maintained that shows the times and dates of every child’s attendance at the service. Records are kept for at least 7 years.

Documentation required

An attendance record that meets the requirements outlined in the ECE funding handbook for children currently attending, and children who have attended in the previous 7 years.

6-3 Attendance records

GMA12 Documentation available

Required documentation is made available as appropriate to parents and Government officials having right of entry to the service under Section 626 of the Education and Training Act 2020.

Education and Training Act 2020, Section 626 – New Zealand Legislation


The criterion makes the development and maintenance of all the 'required documentation' related to the criteria a licensing requirement.