Licensed ECE services receiving the ECE Funding Subsidy must meet certain eligibility and funding conditions.
Failure to meet these funding conditions may result in the funding being withheld either in full or in part.
Service type specific funding
The ECE Funding Subsidy rates are determined by service type because the costs and requirements faced by different service types vary.
For the purposes of the ECE Funding Subsidy, licensed ECE services are grouped into two types:
- Teacher-led services (including home-based, education and care, and hospital-based services).
- Parent/whānau-led services.
Within each group there are separate rates for children aged under 2, and children aged 2 and over.
Higher funding rates
Each section of this chapter includes information on how specific service types can become eligible for higher funding rates.
GST inclusive
The ECE Funding Subsidy is GST inclusive.