CONTENTSECE funding handbookChapter 1: How to use this handbook1-1 How the handbook works1-2 Understanding the page layout1-3 Quick reference directionsChapter 2: How the Ministry funds services2-1 The link between licensing and funding2-2 Types of funding2-3 Other sources of ECE funding2-4 When and how funding is paid2-5 The link between costs and funding rates2-6 Funding rates2-7 Recovery of early childhood education fundingChapter 3: The ECE Funding Subsidy3-A: Information for all services3-A-1 Funding eligibility3-A-2 Funding conditions3-B: Teacher-led services3-B-1 The link between teacher certification and funding3-B-2 Education and care services3-B-2a Kindergartens3-B-3 Hospital-based services3-B-4 Home-based ECE services3-C Parent/whānau-led services3-C-1 General information for all parent/whānau-led services3-C-2 Quality funding rates for parent/whānau-led services3-C-3 Playcentres3-C-4 Te kōhanga reoChapter 4: 20 Hours Early Childhood Education4-1 Funding eligibility4-2 Funding conditions4-3 Fees, donations, optional charges and home-based educator top up payments4-4 Record keeping requirements4-5 Beginning or ceasing to offer 20 Hours ECE Funding4-6 The EC20 formChapter 5: Other ECE funding5-1 Annual Top-Up for Isolated Services5-2 Support Grant for Provisionally Registered Teachers5-3 Allowance for teachers in bilingual or immersion services5-3-1 Allowances for kaiako in Māori bilingual and immersion education and care services5-3-2 Allowances for teachers in Pacific bilingual and immersion education and care servicesChapter 6: Recording enrolment, attendance and absence6-1 Enrolment records6-2 Conditional enrolment6-3 Attendance records6-4 Absence rules6-5 Three Week Rule for Continuous Absence6-6 Three Week Rule: extension for extended non-operation6-7 The Frequent Absence Rule6-8 The Frequent Absence Rule - Examples6-9 Funding for make-up daysChapter 7: Special circumstances7-1 Funding for new services7-2 Completing the RS3 form7-3 Estimating the proportion of certificated teacher hours (teacher-led centre-based services)7-4 Notional rolls7-5 Emergency closure7-6 Substitute days and hours7-7 Absence rule exemptions7-8 Transitional school visits7-9 The EC20 transitional advance formChapter 8: Changing your service details8-1 Changing bank account details8-2 Change of service provider8-3 When your service is closingChapter 9: Completing the RS7 return9-1 Service profile information9-2 Calculating the ECE Funding Subsidy9-3 Calculating 20 Hours ECE funding9-4 Calculating the staff hour count9-5 Calculating advance days9-6 Attestation of certificated teachers’ salaries9-7 Claiming the support grant for provisionally registered teachers9-8 Monitoring progress: Teacher registration9-9 Monitoring progress: Number of children9-10 DeclarationChapter 10: Equity funding10-1 What is equity funding?10-2 Component A: Low socio-economic communities10-3 Component B: Special needs and non-English speaking backgrounds10-4 Component C: Language and culture other than English (including sign language)10-5 Component D: IsolationChapter 11: Record keeping11-1 Record keeping requirements11-2 Funding claim audits and record keeping auditsChapter 12: Financial reporting12-1 Financial reporting: general information12-2 Types of financial reports12-3 Reporting requirements for targeted funding12-4 Auditing financial reportsChapter 13: Targeted Funding for Disadvantage13-1 What is Targeted Funding for Disadvantage?13-2 Eligibility for Targeted Funding13-3 How to use Targeted Funding13-4 Reporting requirements for Targeted FundingChapter 14: Collection of information14-1 Attendance and enrolment data 14-2 ECE census14-3 Early learning information (ELI) systemGlossaryAppendix 1All-day education and care services and hospital-based services - Base funding ratesAll-day education and care services and hospital-based services - Parity funding ratesAll-day education and care services and hospital-based services - Extended parity funding ratesAll-day education and care services and hospital-based services - Full parity funding ratesSessional education and care services and hospital-based services - Base funding ratesSessional education and care services and hospital-based services - Parity funding ratesSessional education and care services and hospital-based services - Extended parity funding ratesSessional education and care services and hospital-based services - Full parity funding ratesAll-day and sessional kindergartenTeacher-led home-based ECE servicesTe kōhanga reoPlaycentreCertificated playgroups and licence-exempt servicesEquity fundingTargeted fundingAppendix 2: Resources and examplesAppendix 3Appendix 4$ per targeted hour (including GST)Rate from 1 March 2023Rate from 1 March 2024Rate from 1 March 2025Eligible services$0.38$0.40$0.41Was this page helpful?YesNo