Step 5: Approval of 10YPP

Information and resources for 10YPP consultants.

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  • 10YPP Consultants


The final step in the 10 Year Property Plan (10YPP) process is approval of the plan, where you, as the 10YPP consultant, will seek board and Ministry approval before the school can begin projects. Find key deadlines and documents we require in order for approval. 

Send draft 10YPP to school

Send the draft 10YPP to the school to review.

The school then submits the 10YPP to their full board for agreement.

Once the school is satisfied with the 10YPP they will provide you with a letter of agreement.

Submit the 10YPP to the Ministry

Submit the completed 10YPP to the Ministry for approval using the 10 Year Property Planner.

The following documentation are mandatory to email to the school’s property advisor:

  • board letter of agreement, or a copy of the board minute endorsing the plan
  • planning meeting minutes
  • current CAD site plan
  • Condition Assessment reports (MPlan extracts)
  • 5 high-level reports from specialists
  • cyclical maintenance plan
  • confirmation of school hazard register.

The following documentation may also be required to email to the property advisor, depending on the proposed projects in the plan:

  • any additional specialist reports
  • rough sketches to illustrate proposed changes
  • Building Update forms
  • rationalisation plan
  • any third party agreements on file (for example, for an early childhood centre or satellite unit).

Each document must be provided as a separate Word, Excel Spreadsheet or PDF document. A single PDF containing all documents are not accepted and will be returned to you.

Ministry approval

The Ministry will check that the 10YPP meets the approval criteria. If something does not meet the criteria, the property advisor will discuss any changes needed with you.

  • If major changes are required, the 10YPP may need to go back for board agreement.
  • If no major changes are required, the 10YPP should be approved within 10–20 working days.

Key dates

Plan submission deadline – mid-April

In order to have the 10YPP approved on time, it must be submitted to the Ministry no later than mid-April.

To allow enough time to develop the plan, and have the board agree to the plan for submission to the Ministry, you should aim to have your Condition Assessment completed no later than 3-6 months prior to submission.

Plan approval deadline - 30 June

10YPPs must be approved by the Ministry before 30 June in the year the school’s 5YA begins. This is to allow the school to have access to all of their 5YA funds on 1 July, when their 10YPP comes into effect.

School signs the 5YA

Once the Ministry has approved the 10YPP, we will send a letter to the school with our approval and include 2 copies of the 5YA for signing.

Begin projects in the 10YPP

Once everyone has signed the 5YA, the school can begin the projects planned in the 10YPP from 1 July in year one of their funding cycle.

All projects must meet Ministry project management requirements.

Schools can choose to appoint a project manager to oversee the projects in the plan, and they may be different from the 10YPP consultant. You can tender for the school’s 5YA projects, but you must go through a separate engagement process with the school and have a separate contract.

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