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Write a procurement recommendation report
The procurement officer writes a report to summarise the evaluation process and recommend a supplier. You can use our template to write this report.
The recommendation report goes to the procurement owner and procurement leader for endorsement.
The recommendation report is then passed on to the procurement sponsor for approval. The sponsor must consider:
- Were any conflicts of interest managed appropriately?
- Did the evaluation process follow what was described in the procurement plan?
- Is the evaluation process and rationale for the selection of the preferred offer described clearly and fully?
Procurements less than $10,000
A recommendation report is not required unless requested by the property advisor.
2-stage open tenders
For a 2-stage open tender, a recommendation report must be completed after stage 1. This recommends which suppliers should advance to stage 2 and be invited to make an offer.
The procurement owner endorses the recommendation report, and the procurement sponsor approves it. The procurement leader does not need to endorse the report for stage 1.
A second recommendation report is made when stage 2 is complete to identify the preferred supplier. This report goes to the procurement owner and procurement leader for endorsement, before the procurement sponsor approves it.
For a single-stage tender, you only complete 1 recommendation report.
Inform suppliers of the procurement outcome
After a recommendation report is approved by the procurement sponsor, schools must contact all suppliers who made offers and inform them of the outcome.
Procurements more than $100,000
You must:
- promptly notify all suppliers of the outcome in writing, ideally within 3 weeks of making the decision
- post an award notice on Government Electronic Tenders Service (GETS)
- offer to provide a debrief to unsuccessful suppliers.
Use these templates to plan debriefing sessions and to notify unsuccessful suppliers.
Successful suppliers
Inform the selected supplier that they have been awarded the contract, subject to funding being released.
You may use our template when contacting successful suppliers.
Sign the contract
We highly recommend you use our contracts when agreeing to a purchase.
To get the contract signed:
- The supplier signs 2 copies of the contract.
- The procurement owner endorses the contract.
- The procurement sponsor reviews and signs the contract.
The school and supplier each keep a signed copy of the contract.
Contracts for construction works
- Contract value below $100,000 (excluding GST and disbursements) – minor works contract (school-led projects).
- Contract value $100,000 to $999,999 (excluding GST and disbursements) – medium works contract (school-led projects).
- Contract value $1,000,000 and above (excluding GST and disbursements) – major work contract (school-led projects).
Contracts for consultancy services
For all professional services including project management
If the contract value is below $50,000 (excluding GST and disbursements), use the consultant engagement short form agreement and conditions of engagement agreement together.
If the contract value is $50,000 and above (excluding GST and disbursements), use the form of agreement for engagement of consultants and the consultancy services special conditions of contract together.
Keep records of the process
Retain all procurement documentation in the project file for 7 years.