Attached teacher staffing and funding

Information for schools about what funding and staffing they will receive for attached teachers.

Level of compliance Main audience Other


  • Principals and tumuaki
  • School administrators
  • Boards

If you decide to appoint, or have appointed resource teachers, itinerant teachers, or a regional health school teacher this page explains how allocation of staffing and funding works.

Your school’s entitlements for attached teachers

Each of the following full-time positions entitles an employing board to:

  • additional staffing support time of 0.05 full-time teacher equivalent (FTTE)
  • payment of a salary unit.

Attached teachers must be paid from teachers’ salaries (TS). You can only pay these salary units to the named teacher. They're not part of the board’s entitlement.

These attached teachers are:

  • resource teachers of Māori (RTM)
  • resource teachers of hearing impaired (RHI)
  • resource teachers of vision impaired (RVI)
  • resource teachers: literacy (RTLit) 
  • resource teachers: literacy Māori (RTLitM).

Checking you’ve been allocated staffing for attached teachers

You’ll find the provision of staffing for an attached unit and/or an attached teacher on the Staffing Entitlement screen in Pourato.

Expand the Attached Teacher line to view your entitlement FTTE and Units for the attached teacher.

For RTLB teachers, expand the Resource Teacher Learning & Behaviour line on your staffing entitlement.

For named teachers, you can view the attached teacher and/or unit generating the additional entitlement on the Teachers tab under Additional Entitlements.

Additional funding for attached teachers

The Ministry makes additional payments for administration and travel to boards that manage cluster resources or have attached teachers. Payments are made for the teachers above, and also for:

  • itinerant teachers of music (ITM) (travel only)
  • regional health school teachers (travel only).

Administration grants — their purpose and allocation

This is a standard grant for each position. It's paid to the fund-holder board in a cluster, or to the board to which the teacher is attached. The grant is for administration costs, such as ongoing professional development, cleaning, telephone and fax lines, and cell phones.

Travel grants — their purpose and allocation

Travel grants are for travel related to servicing schools, teachers and students. Travel grants are paid to boards of schools with itinerant positions. Grants are paid to the fund-holder board in each cluster, or the board to which the teacher is attached.

Budget for the cost of travel for attached teachers

Ask attached teachers for a travel programme for approval at the start of the year, to ensure their estimated travel costs fall within the board’s budget.

Apply for changes to the level of travel

There are 5 travel grant funding rates.

Operational funding rates

Apply to the Ministry to change the level of travel grant for positions. 

Resource teacher travel application form [DOCX, 55 KB]

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