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Ministry of Education New Zealand

Tell the parents

Do this immediately.

  1. You must tell the student’s parent (unless the student has turned 20) that the student has been excluded and the reasons for your decision to exclude.
  2. To help you do this, you may wish to use the model letter template. Refer to Part 2, Appendix: Model letters, Letter 3 – Notifying parent/guardian of outcome of board meeting.

Appendix: Model letters

You may also consider telephoning the parent.

Tell Ministry of Education

  1. You must submit the “advice of exclusion” electronic form in ENROL.

Try to arrange for a new enrolment

Do this as soon as possible.

  1. You must try to arrange for the excluded student to be enrolled at another convenient school. If you arrange for a placement at another school and the student is ‘out of zone’, the Ministry can endorse the proposed enrolment and the student may then enrol.


Contact your local Ministry office to ask for an endorsement under Section 74 of the Education and Training Act 2020 if the student is out of zone for the new school.

Regional offices

Education and Training Act 2020, Section 74 – New Zealand Legislation

Refer to Part 2, Section 3: 13 Placing excluded students.

Placing excluded students

Tell Ministry of Education

Do this immediately.

  1. If you are unable to arrange for the student to enrol in another school within 10 school days, you must tell the Ministry of this, and the steps taken in trying to arrange placement.
  2. You should only remove an excluded student from the roll when a new school has been found. This is covered in Section 86C of the Education and Training Act 2020 which states that excluded students must stay on the school roll until they enrol somewhere else.