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Ministry of Education New Zealand

A school board may transfer some of their entitlement staffing to another school that employs specialist staff.

A board can agree to transfer:

  • full-time teacher equivalents (FTTEs)
  • salary units
  • senior management and middle management allowances.

Entitlement staffing

Apply for a staffing transfer agreement

An agreement form needs to be completed and signed by both schools.

docx thumbnailTransfer of staffing entitlements agreement

Applications must be received before 29 November 2024.

Change or end a staffing transfer agreement

To change the details of an agreement, complete a new agreement form and send it to us. You may only have one agreement in place per specialist service.

Agreements end on the date specified in the agreement form. If no date was entered, the agreement will last for 3 years ending at the end of the banking staffing year. This date falls in late January.

To end a transfer agreement early, send a request with consent from both boards to the resourcing team.

Email: [email protected]

Specialist teacher outreach service staffing transfers

Boards with students in the Ongoing Resourcing Scheme (ORS) may be able to transfer staffing to an outreach service provider school. This allows the student to be supported by a specialist teacher from the outreach service.

Both the lender school and the recipient school need to sign the transfer form.

docx thumbnailOutreach service staffing transfer form

Agreements without a specified end date will end after 1 year.

You can only have one active agreement in place with an outreach service at any one time. If there are changes to the students covered by the agreement, you need to complete and submit a new agreement form. The new agreement form must list all the students covered by the agreement.

  • Education professionals