Hoists for students who need moving or handling support

Find information about the types of hoists and how to access this equipment.

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When you might need a hoist

A hoist allows a single carer to minimise manual lifting and strain when they are moving a student.

You might need a hoist at your school for any students directed to use one by an occupational therapist or physiotherapist.

Ministry of Education and Whaikaha | Ministry of Disabled People funding is available.

Occupational therapists and physiotherapists working for the Ministry's Learning Support team, and who are involved in the development of a student's moving and handling plans, will determine which funding to apply for and provide support to get the appropriate equipment in place.

How to choose a hoist

When choosing a hoist, make sure you consult a Ministry occupational therapist and physiotherapist. They are trained in safe moving and handling techniques and can determine the type of hoist that will best meet the student's current and long-term needs.

They take into account:

  • safety and practicality
  • the specific lifting needs of the student
  • the space available in the area where the lifting will take place
  • whether a second hoist is needed
  • regular maintenance and its associated costs.

Types of hoists

There are many different makes and models of hoists. They have different types of support slings to meet the individual needs of the student.

Mobile hoist

A mobile hoist is either electric, battery-powered or manual. It is wheel based and can be moved and used in other classrooms as required. It is often a more flexible option because it is easy to move from the classroom to the personal care area.

Ceiling track hoist

A ceiling track hoist has a motor that runs off a tracking system that is installed to the room requiring hoisting coverage.

Funding hoists

To get funding for a hoist, occupational therapists and physiotherapists can apply to:

  • Whaikaha | Ministry of Disabled People for mobile hoists. Whaikaha also have a service and repair process
  • the Ministry of Education. If it meets our criteria, we will fund hoists as part of the learning support property modification process.

Learning support property modification

Learn more about funding for students with learning support needs:

Furniture and equipment for students with learning support needs

Ministry of Education assistive technology does not fund hoists.

Service maintenance and repairs of hoists is the school board's responsibility.

Customised slings

Most hoists come with a standard sling, but some students may need a customised sling to meet their individual needs. You can apply for this from Whaikaha | Ministry of Disabled People.

A customised sling will move with the student when they change schools.

Swimming pool hoists

We will consider funding a pool hoist through learning support property modifications funding, but only if the pool is Ministry-owned.

A variety of pool hoists are available. The appropriate model will be determined during the property modification process.

Some are permanent fixtures and some are battery operated and stored away when not in use.

Hoists between learning and bathroom environments

Sometimes an extra hoist is needed between learning and bathroom environments.

The occupational therapist or physiotherapist will advise when 2 hoists are essential and discuss with you how this can be funded.

Whaikaha | Ministry of Disabled People only funds 1 hoist for school use.

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