ESOL funding

We provide ESOL funding so that schools can offer extra English language support for eligible students who speak more than one language.

Level of compliance Main audience Other


  • Principals and tumuaki
  • ESOL staff
  • Educators, teachers and kaiako
  • Learning support coordinators and SENCOs
  • RTLB
  • Boards

Schools can choose to access ESOL funding. To do so, their students must meet the eligibility criteria and the application process outlined below must be followed.

ESOL funding criteria

ESOL funding is targeted at students with the highest English language learning needs. The need for ESOL funding is assessed using the English Language Learning Progressions (ELLP).

The scoring system is based on matrices that record each English language learner’s (ELL’s) achievement level in listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Students whose scores are below the ELLP benchmarks will qualify for funding if they're:

  1. migrants to New Zealand
  2. former refugees
  3. New Zealand-born students, with at least one parent of migrant or refugee background.

New Zealand-born students are eligible if at least one of their parents is a migrant to New Zealand and a language other than English is usually spoken in the home.

Who doesn’t qualify

  • Adult students.
  • International fee-paying students.
  • Students whose first language is identified as English or te Reo Māori.

ESOL funding amounts

The ESOL funding allows more intensive support for ELLs in their early years at New Zealand schools.

We provide higher funding for ELLs at secondary school as they need to learn English to function across a wider curriculum with higher language demands.

All funding amounts shown are GST exclusive.

ESOL funding for schools

Primary and intermediate students: $780 per year.

Secondary students: $1,000 per year.

Migrant and former refugee students are entitled to ESOL funding for up to 5 years (20 terms).

New Zealand-born students (of migrant or refugee parents) are eligible for up to 3 years (12 terms).

Schools can decide at which year level to start a student’s ESOL funding.

Former refugee students

The Refugee Flexible Funding Pool offers schools additional resources to address broader issues that may prevent former refugee students from participating and achieving in mainstream schooling. Contact your nearest Senior Advisor for Refugee and Migrant Support for more information about this funding.

Senior advisors – Refugee and Migrant Support contact details

How to apply for ESOL funding

There are 2 funding rounds a year (apply by 1 March or 1 August).

The Secure Data Portal opens for ESOL funding applications at the beginning of term 1, for March applications, and at the beginning of term 3, for August funding.

Update the English Language Learning Progressions (ELLP) record of progress or ELLP Pathway record of progress

Before applying for funding, you need to complete the ELLP record of progress or ELLP Pathway record of progress and matrices.

ELLP record of progress [DOCX, 67 KB]

Google document version: ELLP record of progress(external link)

ELLP Pathway record of progress [DOCX, 87 KB]

Google document version: ELLP Pathway record of progress(external link)

Read the guidance on using the English Language Learning Progressions matrices from the ELLP professional support modules on the TKI website.

Module 6: Using ELLP to support funding applications – TKI website(external link)

The record of progress should be completed by:

  • in a primary or intermediate school, the student’s class teacher in consultation with the ESOL teacher and/or others in the school with whom the student works
  • in a secondary school, the ESOL specialist teacher, in collaboration with the student’s curriculum teachers.

Keep the completed record of progress form and matrices with the student’s other records. Do not send it to the Ministry with your funding application.

If the student scores below the threshold on the ELLP record of progress and you have the required evidence of their status, you can apply for ESOL funding.

Required evidence

For migrant students, record evidence of their date of entry to New Zealand.

For former refugee students, you need proof of their refugee status:

  • For quota refugees, you should keep a copy of the Certificate of Identity.
  • For family reunification refugees, you should keep a copy of the letter/email from the New Zealand Immigration Service.
  • For asylum seeker refugees, you should keep a copy of the letter/email from the New Zealand Immigration Service.

For New Zealand-born students, you must have evidence that at least one parent is an immigrant or former refugee.

You do not need to send this evidence for funding purposes, but you should keep this evidence for your school records.

Schools who received ESOL funding in the previous funding round

Update the Status List which can be found on the Secure Data Portal. Ask your school’s Secure Data Portal User to download the Status List and share it with the relevant staff members.

Secure Data Portal(external link)

Follow the instructions included in the Status List document.

Add new students to your Status List document using the tabs labelled: New NZ-born, new migrant and new former refugee. Please note that “new students” are any students that are not on your Status List, including those new to the country and new to your school.

Enter all new students’ details and ELLP assessment scores into the appropriate tabs. Include each student’s NSN (national student number).

Use the standard names for country of birth, ethnicity and first language.

List of country, ethnicity and language [DOCX, 32 KB]

Submitting your updated Status List funding application

Save the updated Status List on your computer.

Use the Ministry of Education Secure Data Portal to submit your updated Status List. Ask your school’s Secure Data Portal User to upload the updated Status List in the Excel format. If you are not sure who your school’s Secure Data Portal User is then please check with a colleague, your Principal or office manager.

Secure Data Portal(external link)

Do not submit PDFs or paper versions.

We will inform your school of the ESOL funding allocation via email and upload a new Status List of funded students on the Secure Data Portal (approximately 5 weeks after applications close). Ask your Secure Data Portal User for access to the new status list.

Schools who did not receive ESOL funding in the previous funding round

Download the following form and enter all students’ details and ELLP assessment scores into the appropriate tabs. Include each student’s NSN (national student number).

ESOL funding application form [XLSX, 78 KB]

Use the Ministry of Education Secure Data Portal to submit your completed application. Ask your school’s Secure Data Portal User to upload the application in the Excel format. If you are not sure who your school’s Secure Data Portal User is then please check with a colleague, your Principal or office manager.

Secure Data Portal(external link)

Do not submit PDFs or paper versions. Files other than Excel are not suitable for the application process.

We will inform your school of the ESOL funding allocation via email and upload a Status List of funded students on the Secure Data Portal (approximately five weeks after applications close). Ask your Secure Data Portal User for access to the Status List.


Your school must update each ESOL funded student’s record of progress every 6 months.

Keep all the records relating to a student’s ESOL funding and assessments, as these may be needed for our verification. If an ESOL-funded student leaves your school, make sure all these records go with their file to their new school.

Approximately every 3 years, an ESOL verifier will visit or phone your school to discuss:

  • how you identify eligible students and assess their learning needs
  • the support programmes your school provides
  • the assessment records that support the funding application.

They'll also help you with information about ESOL resources and training available.

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