Flowchart 6: Action by principal when student excluded or expelled
Flowchart 6: Action by principal when student excluded or expelled
Action by principal:
- The student was expelled. Student is reminded that assistance is available from the Ministry of Education. Student's name is removed from the school roll.
- The student was excluded. The principal is required to try to arrange for the student to attend another school (Section 15[4]). Principal consults student and parents. Principal asks reasonably convenient and suitable schools to accept the student within 10 days (Section 15[5]).
- If successful: Student enrols at new school. Principal of excluding school removes student's name from register. Section 17C(1). Principal of excluding school informs Ministry of placement details.
- If unsuccessful: Principal informs Ministry of steps taken in trying to place students. Section 15(6) (Form SDS3). Ministry arranges for the placement of the student. Section 16(1). Student remains on school roll until enrolled elsewhere. Section 17C.