CONTENTSStand-downs, suspensions, exclusions and expulsions guidelines – Part 1About these guidelinesOverview: Being fair and flexibleInvestigationThe role of the principalPrincipal's decisionDuring a stand-downDuring a suspensionThe role of the boardAt the suspension meetingWhen the suspension is lifted without conditionsWhen the suspension is lifted with conditionsWhen the suspension is extended with conditionsRequesting a reconsiderationAt the reconsideration meetingWhen the student is excludedWhen the student is expelledRe-enrolment of excluded or expelled studentRe-enrolment of excluded studentRe-enrolment of expelled studentAction by principal when student excluded or expelledAppendices Appendix 1: The Education and Training Act 2020Appendix 2: Education Rules 1999Appendix 3: Incident reportAppendix 4: Information for parents and guardiansAppendix 5: Stand-downs and suspensions process ENROLSDS1a: Advice of a stand-downDownloadDOC | 46KBSDS1b: Advice of suspensionDownloadDOC | 46KBSDS2: Advice of board of trustee decisionDownloadDOC | 44KBSDS3: Notification following exclusionDownloadDOC | 48KBWas this page helpful?YesNo