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Ministry of Education New Zealand

How to apply

The current service provider must apply for an amendment to their licence. There is no fee for this.

If you are selling a service, or have questions about changing the identity of a service provider, contact your regional office.

The below document has more information about changing the identify of a service provider.

pdf thumbnailChange of identity of an early learning service provider

You must also contact your regional office before applying for a licence amendment if:

  • your service is not currently operating
  • your licence has been suspended
  • a Notice of Intention to Cancel has been issued.

Regional offices - Ministry of Education

If you are selling multiple services, or you are a large provider and want to change the legal name of your service, contact our early learning regulation team.

Email: [email protected]

Change of identity form and statutory declaration

Fill in the below form to:

  • sell or transfer ownership of a service to another legal entity
  • change the legal name of the service provider
  • change the service provider ownership type – for example, change from a sole trader to a company.
pdf thumbnailEC9 form (for home-based and centre-based services)

If you are buying, selling or transferring ownership of a service, the below statutory declaration must be completed by the proposed new operator. It must be submitted at the same time as the EC9 application form.

pdf thumbnailEC9 form (statutory declaration for home-based and centre-based)

See more information about making a statutory declaration on the New Zealand Government website.

Making a statutory declaration – New Zealand Government

Send the completed forms to your regional office.

After you apply

You must continue to operate your service and comply with all regulations.

The application will be processed and assessed within 30 working days.

You must have written evidence of a change of management or sale of your service before we can amend your licence. This is usually provided by a legal representative from both parties. The licence number of the service will not change when there is a change of service provider.

Assessments for change of management

If your application is declined

You can reapply for a licence amendment if your circumstances change.

You can appeal the decision to a District Court within 14 days after receiving notice that your application was declined.

  • Education professionals