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Ministry of Education New Zealand

What you need to do

You must tell us if you decide to close your licensed early learning service for a short period of time. If you don't tell us, you might be in breach of the Education and Training Act 2020 and the ECE Funding Handbook.

You need to tell us:

  • when you intend to close
  • how long you intend to close for
  • the reason you are closing.

Apply for a temporary closure

If you want to temporarily close your service, you must apply to us.

To apply, complete an EC4 voluntary temporary closure application form and submit it to your regional office.

pdf thumbnailEC4 form - Temporary closure

Funding and RS7 returns

If your service closed temporarily, you must record this as a temporary closure in your student management system (SMS) or ELI Web.

Services that submit electronic RS7 returns do not need to send a copy of the regional office approval letter to the ECE operational funding team.

Emergency closures

The rules are different if you need to close your service for an emergency.

ECE funding handbook: 7-5 Emergency closure

How long you can close for

You can temporarily close for up to 3 months. In some circumstances it may be possible to extend this. Contact your regional office to discuss this.

Regional offices

If the closure lasts longer than the agreed amount of time, we may consider cancelling your licence.

What happens to funding when you close

You will not receive funding while your service is voluntarily closed.

  • Education professionals