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Ministry of Education New Zealand

The special grant may contribute to or meet the full costs of what is applied for.

There are 2 grant rounds per year.

As this is a discretionary grant, the applicants are not guaranteed to receive funding applied for.


Playgroups eligible for playgroup operational funding are also eligible to apply for the special grant.

Special grant uses

Playgroup special grant funding is available for:

  • setup costs for new playgroups
  • addressing health and safety issues
  • increasing participation in quality ECE in priority communities
  • addressing extraordinary circumstances (like damage to equipment by an extreme weather event).

If funds permit, we will also consider applications for resources or activities that will directly benefit children at the playgroup and cannot be funded from operational funding.

Special grant conditions

Playgroup special grant is available on the conditions that:

  • the grant is used only for the purpose identified in the application
  • the playgroup informs the Ministry of Education as soon as possible in the event of any changes that affect the immediate use of special grant money
  • any special grant funds unspent after 1 year are returned to the Ministry of Education
  • the use of special grant funding is reported in the playgroup’s annual playgroup funding report for the year it was granted
  • equipment purchased with Ministry of Education funding may be reclaimed by the Ministry when the playgroup ceases to operate.

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