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Ministry of Education New Zealand


To be eligible to receive playgroup operational funding a playgroup must:

  • be certificated (that is hold a valid interim or full certificate)
  • meet the conditions for payment of funding set out in this Handbook.

Funding rate

Playgroup Operational Funding is GST inclusive.

The funding rate for all playgroups is $1.83 per hour per child.

Funding dates

Playgroup operational funding is paid twice per year.

The funding periods are from 1 January to 30 June and from 1 July to 31 December.

A payment advice notice will be emailed to all playgroups that receive funding confirming the amount they will be paid.

Updating your contact details

It is important the Ministry of Education has the most up-to-date contact details for each playgroup.

If your playgroup’s funding contact person, email address, postal address or bank account details have changed, notify your education advisor as soon as possible. Incorrect playgroup details may result in delayed funding.