What ORS is#
ORS is a package of support for ākonga | students who have the highest need for learning support. The scheme helps them participate in schooling alongside other students.
ORS is linked to the student. They continue to receive it as they change schools or kura until they leave the school system. ORS is provided on top of the funding paid to schools and kura for every student in New Zealand.
Applications for ORS can be made at any time for children 4 years and 8 months or older.
Who ORS is for#
ORS is for students who have ongoing severe needs in any of the following areas:
- learning
- hearing
- vision
- physical
- language use and social communication.
To be eligible for ORS, a student must meet one or more of the ORS criteria outlined in the guidelines.
What support is provided#
ORS provides services and support including:
- specialists such as therapists, psychologists and learning support advisors
- additional teacher time in the school's staffing entitlement, for a teacher to provide specialist teaching support
- a contribution for a teacher aide to assist with the student's learning support
- consumables grants for buying small items to support the student's needs.
Each student gets a unique mix of resources because all students are different and their education settings may be different.
Support is resourced in a different way for ORS students attending private schools.
Who makes the application#
An educator takes responsibility for completing the application form. This person is usually a:
- registered early learning teacher, early intervention teacher or key worker for a child, or
- class teacher, special education needs coordinator (SENCO) or learning support coordinator (LSC).
They will work with the parents, whānau, specialists, teachers and others who know the student well to understand the student's needs. They will write the application.