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Ministry of Education New Zealand

What ORS is#

ORS is a package of support for tamariki | children who have the highest need for learning support. The scheme helps them participate alongside other children when they start school.

Applications for ORS can be made at any time for children 4 years and 8 months or older. Children who receive ORS will start receiving support when they enrol at school.

Who makes the application#

An educator takes responsibility for completing the application form. This person is usually a:

  • registered early learning teacher
  • early intervention teacher
  • key worker for a child.

They will work with the parents, whānau, specialists, teachers and others who know the student well to understand the student's needs. They will write the application.

Application process#

Educators should prepare the application in collaboration with whānau | parents and the team around the child. Writers of the application should have worked with the child directly where possible and know them well.

Read the ORS fact sheet and guide before you start the application process and for guidance as you complete the application.

docx thumbnailEarly childhood ORS application form information sheet
docx thumbnailGuide for completing early childhood applications

Completing the application forms#

Children must meet at least 1 of 9 criteria. The criteria are outlined in our guidance. The guidelines also outline what happens after you apply.

docx thumbnailThe Ongoing Resourcing Scheme (ORS) guidelines

Use our early childhood ORS application form if your child doesn't clearly meet 1 of the very high criterion. You should submit this form 3-4 months before the child enrols in school.

docx thumbnailEarly childhood ORS application form

Use our very high needs forms for children who clearly have very high needs. It is important to identify which criterion the student meets. Choose the form that fits the criterion most relevant for your child.

docx thumbnailORS application form criterion 1 (learning)
docx thumbnailORS application form criterion 2.1 (hearing)
docx thumbnailORS application form criterion 2.2 (hearing)
docx thumbnailORS application form criterion 2.3 (vision)
docx thumbnailORS application form criterion 3 (physical)

Submitting the form#

Once the form is complete, email it to us or contact your regional office.

Email: [email protected]

Regional offices

  • Education professionals