Residential support workers, youth workers and team leaders pay equity claim

Information on the pay equity claim for residential support workers, youth workers and team leaders

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  • Specialist residential schools':
    • residential support workers
    • youth workers
    • team leaders
  • Specialist residential schools':
    • principals
    • boards

About the claim

Residential support workers, youth workers and team leaders – and those doing the same or substantially similar work – employed by specialist residential schools are currently the subject of a pay equity claim. The claim looks to make sure that these employees are receiving equitable remuneration for their work.

What's happening now

Notifying affected employees

We notified affected employees about the claim with a notification letter and factsheet in February 2024. Until the claim is settled, any new employees who start a role covered by the claim must receive a notification letter to advise them that they are covered.

If you are an employee in a role named above and haven’t received a notification letter or factsheet, you can email us at

Claimant interviews

We are now interviewing employees and their direct supervisors. These workforce interviews help paint a picture of the work employees do, including their skills, responsibilities, experience, working conditions and degrees of effort. The interviews will be undertaken by a Ministry analyst working with a Public Service Association (PSA) union delegate.


The PSA raised the claim with the Ministry in October 2023 on behalf of residential support workers, youth workers and team leaders in the 4 specialist residential schools:

  • Halswell Residential College
  • Westbridge Residential School
  • Ko Taku Reo
  • Salisbury School.

There are approximately 165 employees covered by this claim. 

We notified the PSA of our decision that the claim was arguable in December 2023.

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