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Ministry of Education New Zealand

Undergraduate scholarship recipients

Maraea new

Maraea Coleman (Ngāti Porou)

Scholarship duration: 3 years

Te reo Māori

“Tū ana awau i te tihi o Hikurangi, te taumata i whakakukū ai te waka a Māui Potiki. Kei raro tonu iho, ko te whatitoka o tōku pātaka whakairinga kōrero o Te Poho o Te Aowera, Te Aitanga a Mate. Hōkai ake ki te taumata rā o Marotiri, kei ōna rekereke ko Te Whānau a Ruataupare, ko te Whānau a Te Aotawarirangi, koia ko te whakaruruhau, te mātāpuna o tōku reo. Tēnei te iti a Porou.”

E whai ana i a Maraea he Tohu Paetahi o te Toi i Te Reo Māori me Ngā Rangahau Iwi Taketake ki Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato kia tū ai hei kaiako tūturu ki ngā Kura Kaupapa Māori.

He raukura o te kura o Manukura ki Te Papaioea, e kī ana a Maraea ka awhina tēnei karahipi kia whai ia ōna moemoea me te whai hoki ngā tapuwae o ōna tūpuna – pērā i tōna tūpuna a Ngoingoi – kia whakarauora tonu anō hoki i te reo Māori me te poipoi i te reo mō ngā reanga e whai mai nei. 

“He momoho nui te riro tēnei tohu i ngā hōnoretanga o Te Hokowhitu-a-Tū i whawhai mō ō mātou iwi, motu anō hoki i Te Pakanga Tuarua. Te pakari, te māia, te kaha, te piripono i whakaaturia mai e rātou ko tāku e hiahia nei te whakatinana.”


“Tū ana awau i te tihi o Hikurangi, te taumata i whakakukū ai te waka a Māui Potiki. Kei raro tonu iho, ko te whatitoka o tōku pātaka whakairinga kōrero o Te Poho o Te Aowera, Te Aitanga a Mate. Hōkai ake ki te taumata rā o Marotiri, kei ōna rekereke ko te whānau a Ruataupare, ko te whānau a Te Aotawarirangi, koia ko te whakaruruhau, te mātāpuna o tōku reo. Tēnei te iti a Porou.”

Maraea is studying towards a Bachelor of Arts in Te Reo Māori and Indigenous Studies at Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato | University of Waikato with the aim of becoming a fully registered kaiako in Kura Kaupapa Māori.

A former student of Manukura School in Palmerston North, Maraea says this scholarship will help her to pursue her dreams and follow in the footsteps of those before her - including her tīpuna Ngoingoi - to continue to revitalise te reo Māori and nurture the language for generations to come.

“It is a privilege to receive this award in honour of the 28th (Māori) Battalion who fought admirably for our people and country during WWII. The bravery, courage and faith they showed is what I aspire to embody.”

Te Atamihi Papa

Te Atamihi Papa (Ngāti Korokī kahukura, Waikato Maniapoto)

Scholarship duration: 3 years

Te reo Māori

“Ko Pirongia taku paa kaha, ko Maungatautari taku paa kaihau, ko Taupiri taku okinga wairua e. Ko Te Atamihi Vivienne Papa tooku iingoa, noo Waikato-Maniapoto ahau.”

Kei te whai i a Te Atamihi he Tohu Paetahi mō te Ture ki Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato, ā, he raukura hoki o Te Wharekura o Maniapoto.

“He hoonore nui te whiwhi i teenei karahipi, ka tautoko nui i ahau kia kookiri tonu i ngaa mahi aa ooku tuupuna.”

E kī ana a Te Atamihi kua rongo kōrero mō tōna Koro Ngahina i tū ki te taha o ōna hoa pakanga, me ngā kōrero e tohu ana i te māia me tā rātou manawa tītī ki te ora, ki te mate rānei mō te āpōpō o a rātou iwi.

E ai ki a Te Atamihi ko ngā mahi ā Te Hokowhitu-a-Tū e rongo tonu ana i tēnei rā tonu, e whakamoemiti ana hoki ia ki te noho i raro i tēnei kaupapa whakahirahira.


“Ko Pirongia taku paa kaha, ko Maungatautari taku paa kaihau, ko Taupiri taku okinga wairua e. Ko Te Atamihi Vivienne Papa tooku iingoa, noo Waikato-Maniapoto ahau.”

Te Atamihi is studying towards a Bachelor of Law at Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato | University of Waikato and is a former student of Te Wharekura o Maniapoto.

“Being awarded this scholarship is an honour and will help me to continue the work of my tūpuna.”

Te Atamihi says she has heard many stories of her Koro Ngahina who fought alongside his brothers in the war, and those stories highlight their bravery and willingness to live and die for the future of our people.

Te Atamihi says the sacrifices of the 28th (Māori) Battalion are still felt today, and she is grateful to be a part of a kaupapa as important as this.

Pounamu Whare

Pounamu Wharehinga (Ngāti Porou, Tūhoe)

Scholarship duration: 3 years

Te reo Māori

“He uri tēnei nō te whānau a Ruataupare me Te Aotawarirangi i te taha o tōku Pāpā, ā, he uri whakatipu hoki no Tikitiki, he tamaiti hoki tēnei nō te kohu (Tūhoe) i te taha o tōku māmā, ko Pounamu Wharehinga awau.”

E whai ana i a Pounamu he Tohu Paetahi Toi, e aro nui ana ki ngā Rangahau Māori, Iwi Takerake hoki, e aro hoki ana ki Te Reo Māori ki Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato.

He ākonga tawhito o te kura o Manukura ki Te Papaioea, e kīia nei e Pounamu “he tūranga whakahōnere, whaiwhakaaro hoki” i a ia e rangaranga tōna kete mātauranga kia auraki anō ia ki tōna kāinga, tohaina ai ōna akoranga ki tōna iwi, hapū.

“He hōnore nui te riro tēnei karahipi, ka nui taku whakamoemiti ki te noho ki tēnei kaupapa e whakanui ana i ngā mahi o Ngarimu VC me Te Hokowhitu-a-Tū.

“Ko au tētahi o ngā mokopuna o Te Hokowhitu-a-Tū (Kapa Hōia C), he nui te whakahī o tō mātou whānau mō ngā mahi ā tō mātou koroua – i a mātou e whai whakaaro ana ki te mārama i ngā nawe nui i tā rātou hokinga atu ki te kāinga, ki Te Tairāwhiti.”


“He uri tēnei nō te whānau a Ruataupare me Te Aotawarirangi i te taha o tōku Pāpā, ā, he uri whakatipu hoki no Tikitiki, he tamaiti hoki tēnei nō te kohu (Tūhoe) i te taha o tōku māmā, ko Pounamu Wharehinga awau.”

Pounamu is studying towards a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Māori and Indigenous Studies and minoring in Te Reo Māori at Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato | University of Waikato.

A former pupil of Manukura School in Palmerston North, Pounamu says she is in a “privileged but accountable position” as she builds her kete mātauranga so she can return home after university to share what she has learned with her iwi and hapū.

“It is a privilege to receive this scholarship, and I am grateful to be a part of a kaupapa that honours and recognises the sacrifices of Ngarimu VC and the 28th (Māori) Battalion.”

“As a mokopuna of members of the 28th (Māori) Battalion (C Company), our whānau take immense pride in the sacrifices that our koroua made to serve - particularly when we consider and understand the many burdens they had to shoulder as return servicemen coming home to Te Tairāwhiti.”


Heremia McGarvey (Tūhoe)

Scholarship duration: 1 year

Te reo Māori

Kei te whai i a Heremia te Tohu Paetahi o te Ture me te Tauhokohoko ki Te Herenga Waka i Te Whanganui-a-Tara.

He ākonga o te kura takiura o Lindisfarne ki Heretaunga, kua whakahī a Heremia i tōna ekenga hei toa o te karahipi Ngarimu.

“Kua whakamānawa ahau ki te riro tēnei karahipi whakahī, e ngākaunui ana ahau ki te hāpai i ngā uaratanga me ngā āhuatanga o Ngarimu VC me Te Hokowhitu-a-Tū.”

E kīia nei e Heremia ka nui te awhina o tēnei karahipi kia āhei ia ki te ū ki ōna rangahau, kia mahea ake ngā taumahatanga o te pūtea.

“Ka whakaāhei tenei karahipi kia whakamānawatia e au ngā maharatanga o Ngarimu VC, te hunga i tū ki te pae o te riri, me ōku tūpuna anō hoki, nōku te hōnore te noho tahi ki tēnei kaupapa hei whakanui i a rātou whakarerenga.”


Heremia is studying towards a Bachelor of Law and Commerce at Te Herenga Waka | Victoria University of Wellington.

A former student of Lindisfarne College in Hastings, Heremia says he is proud to be a Ngarimu scholar.

“Receiving such a prestigious scholarship is a profound honour and I am committed to upholding the values and attributes of Ngarimu VC and the 28th (Māori) Battalion.”

Heremia says this scholarship is a great help that will allow him to fully focus on his studies without the worry of financial constraints.

“This scholarship allows me to honour the memory of Ngarimu VC and all those who bravely served our country, including my own ancestors, and I am privileged to be a part of a kaupapa that celebrates their legacy.”

Masters scholarship recipients

Miria's portrait

Miria Haora (Ngati Pūkenga, Ngāi Te Rangi, Ngāti Ranginui, Ngāti Whātua)

Scholarship duration: 1 year

Te reo Māori

“He uri ahau nō Ngāti Pūkenga, Ngai Te Rangi, Ngāti Rangi, Ngāti Whātua. He hononga anō ōku ki Ngati Kahungunu, ki Te Patuwai ki Motiti me Wales.”

Kei te whai i a Miria he Tohu Paerua o te Māori me te Whakahaeretanga ki Te Wānanga o Raukawa.

He raukura o Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Kura Kōkiri ki Tauranga Moana, he kaiako a Miria ki te kura nei, e whakawhanake hoki i ōna rangahau hei painga mō tōna kura, whānau, iwi anō hoki.

He māmā hoki a Miria o ngā tamariki e whā, ka kīia nei kua hūmārie, he māringa nui hoki te tū hei kaiwhiwhi o tēnei tohu. I kī mai ka tino awhina tēnei ngā hiahia pūtea o te rangahau.

“Kua angitu ahau ki te tū hei wāhanga o tēnei kaupapa e whakamahara nei i te Hokowhitu-a-Tū i whawhai mō te whenua, te motu me ngā mōtika o te iwi Māori. E kore rawa e waretia.”


“He uri ahau nō Ngati Pūkenga, Ngāi Te Rangi, Ngāti Rangi, Ngāti Whātua. He hononga anō ōku ki Ngati Kahungunu, ki Te Patuwai ki Motiti me Wales.”

Miria is studying towards a Master of Māori and Management at Te Wānanga o Raukawa.

A former student of Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Kura Kōkiri in Tauranga Moana, Miria is now a kaiako at the kura and is furthering her studies for the benefit of her school, whānau and iwi.

Miria is a māmā of 4 and says she feels humbled and extremely fortunate to be a recipient of this award. She says this scholarship will help her with the financial obligations of studying.

“I am very lucky to be a part of a kaupapa that commemorates the 28th (Māori) Battalion who fought for our land, our country and the rights of iwi Māori. They will not be forgotten.”

Ashton Thrupp

Ashton Thrupp (Tūhoe, Te Aitanga-ā-Māhaki, Ngā Ariki Kaiputahi)

Scholarship duration: 1 year

Te reo Māori

E whai ana i a Ashton te Tohu Paerua o te Mātauranga e aro nui ana ki te Mātauranga Whakahaere me te Hautūtanga ki Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa.

He raukura o Te Kura Tuarua o Te Mānuka Tūtahi ki Whakatāne, he kaiako reo rua ināianei a Ashton, he hautū hoki ki Te Kura Tuarua o Whakatāne.

E kī ana a Ashton he hōnore nui te whiwhi i tēnei Karahipi o Ngarimu VC me Te Hokowhitu-a-Tū.

“Pakari rawa, māia hoki te tū ā ō tātou tūpuna o Te Hokowhitu-a-Tū mō te āpōpō o te ao-tūroa, he hiahia nōku ki te whakaataata i tā rātou pakari, māia hoki i āku mahi kia kitea e ngā reanga ō āpōpō te angitū me te taurikura o te mātauranga.”

“Mā te whiwhi i tēnei tohu e kā i te ahi kia kōkiritia nei e au te whawhai tonu, ka mutu ka tautoko hoki i ngā utu me ngā rauemi o te mahi rangahau.”

E whakamoemiti ana a Ashton mō tēnei kōwhiringa.


Ashton is studying towards a Master of Education specialising in Educational Administration and Leadership at Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa | Massey University.

A former student at Te Kura Tuarua o Te Mānuka Tūtahi in Whakatāne, Ashton is now a proud bilingual class teacher and team leader at Whakatāne Intermediate School.

Ashton says being awarded a Ngarimu VC and 28th (Māori) Battalion scholarship is a huge honour.

“Our tūpuna in the 28th (Māori) Battalion fought bravely for the future of our world and I aspire to mirror their strength and courage in my mahi so future generations and rangatahi can experience success and prosperity in education.”

“Receiving this award not only fuels the fire and drive within me to keep fighting but will also help cover the costs and resources associated with studying,”

Ashton says she is grateful for this opportunity.

Jade's portrait

Jade Davis (Te Whānau-a-Apanui, Ngāi Tai, Te Whakatōhea)

Scholarship duration: 1 year

Te reo Māori

E whai ana i a Jade he Tohu Paerea o te Mātauranga ki te Reorua Māori, te Whakaako Rumaki me te Ako ki Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha.

I kuraina e Jade e ōna kuia, koroua hoki, kua tipu ake hoki ki te maumahara i Te Hokowhitu-a-Tū me ōna tīpuna.

“Ia tau ki tōku marae, ka whakamahara mātou i ō tātou hōia me ngā tīpuna mā te waiata, te karakia, me ngā kōrero tuku iho.”

“Ko tētāhi wāhanga o te whakamaharatanga, ka whakaaturia ngā whakaahua o ngā hōia ki ngā marae puta noa i Te Tairāwhiti, ko tō mātou koroua hoki tēnā a Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa Ngarimu.”

Hei kaiako o Te Kura Mana Māori o Maraenui, e kī ana a Jade ko Te Hokowhitu-a-Tū, me te Kapa Hōia C anō hoki, he kaupapa nui whakahirahira hei whakaako ki ōna ākonga.

“E mārakerake ana te kite i tā rātou hīkaka, me tā rātou pūmanawa ki te ako e pā ana ki ō rātou tīpuna, koia nei tētahi o ngā take i tonoa e au te karahipi nei kia tū ki te taha o tēnei kaupapa mīharo.”

E kī ana a Jade ko tēnei karahipi he āwhina nui mōna, me tōna whānau, e honore nui ana ki te riro tēnei tohu kairangi.


Jade is studying towards a Master of Education in Hōaka Pounamu | Māori Bilingual and Immersion Teaching and Learning at Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha | University of Canterbury.

Jade was raised by her kuia and koroua, and has grown up commemorating the 28th (Māori) Battalion and her tīpuna.

“Every year at our marae we pay homage to our hōia and tīpuna through waiata, karakia and sharing stories that have been passed down to us,”

“As a part of our commemorations, photos of our hōia are displayed at marae across Te Tairāwhiti, especially those of our koroua Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa Ngarimu.”

As a teacher at Te Kura Mana Māori o Maraenui, Jade says the 28th (Māori) Battalion and specifically C Company is an important kaupapa for her ākonga to learn about.

“Their enthusiasm and passion to learn about their tīpuna clearly shows, and this is part of the reason I wanted to apply for this scholarship and be a part of this amazing kaupapa.”

Jade says this scholarship is of great help to her and her whānau, and she is honoured to receive such a prestigious award.


Melba Pakinga (Ngāti Tamaterā, Ngāti Hako, Ngāti Korokoro)

Scholarship duration: 1 year

Te reo Māori

E whai ana i a Melba he tohu Paerua o Ngā Rangahau Mātanga i te Mātauranga ki Waipapa Taumata Rau.

Ko Melba tētahi o ngā tamariki e 15 o Wini rāua ko John Pakinga, i tipu hoki ki ōna tūpuna a Maude Pirika me Urikore Makoare Mac Pirika (Paraiweti Wiremu Waru).

I noho a Melba mō te nuinga o tōna wā ako ki te Kura Tuarua o Tongariro i mua i tōna nuku ki Te Kura Tuarua o Paeroa hei Tumuaki o Te Wāhanga Māori.

“E hūmarie ana ki te riro tēnei karahipi nō roto mai i ngā maharatanga o ōku tūpuna, Urikore Makoare Mac Pirika, nō te marae o Hinerupe ki Te Araroa, me tōna māringa nui kia auraki ki te kāinga, noho ai ki te taha o tōna whānau.”

Ka kī mai a Melba, ka awhina ia e tēnei karahipi ki ngā taumahatanga pūtea o te rangahau, kia āhei ai ia kia ū ki ōna rangahau, kia tūtohu he aha ngā pūkenga kua tini, mēnā ētahi, mō ngā kaiako Māori e hoki ana ki te akomanga whai muri i te tamōtanga roa.

“Kua hūmarie au i te whakamoemiti i te rironga o tēnei tohu me te hiahia kia tika tōna whakamahinga i taku rangahau.”

E kī ana a Melba ko ia te tuatahi o tōna whānau kia eke ki tēnei taumata o te tohu mātauranga, e whakaihi hoki ana tēnei tohu ki tōna whānau, tōna iwi o Hauraki, me ngā kuia mai i ngā Kōhanga Reo i tō ai te kākano ki te whakaako.

“Ki te Ngarimu VC me Te Poari Kaitiaki, tēnā koutou e kōkiri nei te whakarerenga o rātou kua mū i ngā tahataha, ngā mihi maioha ki a koutou.”


Melba is studying towards a Master of Professional Studies in Education at Waipapa Taumata Rau | University of Auckland.

Melba is one of 15 tamariki of Wini and John Pakinga, and was raised by her tūpuna Maude Pirika and Urikore Makoare Mac Pirika (Private Wiremu Waru).

Melba spent the majority of her schooling at Tongariro High School before moving to Paeroa College where she has returned as the Head of Department Māori.

“I am very humbled to receive this scholarship in memory of my tupuna, Urikore Makoare Mac Pirika, who was originally from Hinerupe Marae in Te Araroa and was fortunate to return home to spend the rest of his days with us.”

Melba says this scholarship will help her with the financial pressures of studying and will enable her to focus on her research which aims to identify what skill sets have changed, if any, for kaiako Māori returning to the classroom after an extended absence.

“I am humbled with gratitude to receive this award and hope to do it justice in my research.”

Melba says she is the first in her whānau to have reached this level of academic achievement, and dedicates this award to her whānau, her Hauraki iwi, and the nannies from Kōhanga Reo who inspired her to go into teaching.

“To the Ngarimu VC and 28th (Māori) Battalion Memorial Scholarship Fund Board, thank you for continuing the legacy of those silently in the wings, ngā mihi maioha ki a koutou.”

Doctoral scholarship recipient

Aramoana's portrait

Aramoana Mohi-Maxwell (Ngāti Rangiwewehi, Ngāti Tarāwhai, Ngāti Whakaue, Tapuika, Ngāti Parekāwa, Ngāi te rangi, Ngāti Ranginui, Ngāti Ruanui)

Scholarship duration: 2 years

Te reo Māori

Kei te whai i a Aramoana he Tohu Kairangi Mātauranga Māori, Iwi Taketake i Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha waihoki ko ia te Tumuaki Tuarua ō Te Kura o Te Rautāwhiri ki Rotorua.

Ko te kaupapa o tōna tuhinga whakapae e tōmene ana i te mahi o Te Wānanga Mau Taiaha o Mokoia i whakatūngia e tōna pāpā, a Mita Hikairo Mohi.

“E tōmene ana taku tuhinga whakapae i ngā wānanga hei tutū i te puehu mō ngā take taumanu ahurea, whakatūturu me te manawaroa hoki mā te hanganga ā ngā pou tarāwaho taketake o te toiora tangata.”

“I tēnei huarahi kia riro ai taku Tohu Kairangi me te tautoko anō hoki o te Poari Kaitiaki Ngarimu, me ngā mahi a te Hokowhitu-a-Tū, kua hūmārie, e whakamoemiti hoki ana.”

E kī ana a Aramoana, mā tōna tuhinga whakapae e hiahia ana kia tohaina he kōrero whakarerenga me te whakaaro o te ‘toa’ mā te tōmene i te toiora o ngā tāne Māori.

“E hikoi nei au i tēnei ao o Ngarimu VC me te karahipi o Te Hokowhitu-a-Tū mō āku mokopuna kua tupu ake me te mōhio ki ō rātou hononga ki tō rātou pāpā Moana me te whānau Ngarimu.”

“E tōngakingaki ana ahau kia pūmau te hononga o ngā here ā āku mokopuna ki a rātou o te Kapa Hōia B, a Haane Manahi, a Koro Hui Simpkins me te whai wā hoki ki te noho ki te taha o te mōrehu whakamutunga o Te Hokowhitu-a-Tū, a Koro Bom Gillies.”


Aramoana is studying towards a Doctor of Philosophy in Māori and Indigenous Studies at Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha | Canterbury University and is the Deputy Principal at Te Kura o Te Rautāwhiri in Rotorua.

Her thesis is an exploration of the legacy of Te Wānanga Mau Taiaha o Mokoia that was created by her pāpā, Mita Hikairo Mohi.

“My thesis explores the wānanga as a disruptor of dissonance in terms of cultural reclamation, affirmation and resilience through the creation of an indigenous framework for wellbeing.”

“To be able to go on this journey of gaining my Doctorate with the support of the Ngarimu Board and in turn the deeds of our 28th (Māori) Battalion is humbling, and I am incredibly grateful.”

Aramoana says through her thesis she would like to share a story of legacy and the notion of ‘toa’ by exploring wellbeing for Māori males.

“I have taken this step into the world of the Ngarimu VC and 28th (Māori) Battalion Memorial Scholarship on behalf of my mokopuna who have been raised knowing their connections to their pāpā Moana and the Ngarimu whānau.”

“I am determined to ensure my mokopuna maintain these links and explore their connections to those of B Company, particularly Haane Manahi, Koro Hui Simpkins and the opportunity to spend time with the last surviving Battalion member, Koro Bom Gillies.”

Aramoana says that receiving this scholarship is an honour and enables her to focus on her research and further advance in the writing of her thesis.

Vocational education and training scholarship recipients


Te Hiiri Ponga (Te Ātihaunui-a-Pāpārangi, Tūwharetoa, Te Whakatōhea, Ngāti Tumango, Ngāti Apa)

Scholarship duration: 1 year

Te reo Māori

E whai ana i a Te Hiiri te Tohu Kāmura o Aotearoa ki Te Pūkenga.

E kīia nei e Te Hiiri, he hōnore te tū hei kaiwhiwhi o te karahipi Ngarimu VC me Te Hokowhitu-a-Tū.

“E whakawhetai nui ana, kaua noa mō te tohu nei engari anō mō te māia, me te pakari ā Te Hokowhitu-a-Tū i a rātou e whawhai ana mō te āpōpō e kitea nei e tātou.”

I whānau mai a Te Hiiri i ngā tahatika o te awa o Whanganui i te taha o tōna pāpā, kaumātua hoki. E kīia nei he poho kererū Māori, ko ōna tino iho pūmanawa ko tōna kuia, Pikiteora Keremeneta Nepia, me tōna koroua kua mene atu, a George Waretini.

“Ahakoa kāore taku koro i tō mātou taha ā-tinana nei. Ko ngā akoranga me ngā mātauranga i tukua iho e taku koro me taku kuia e ākina taku tū Māori te ako hoki kia kaha te tāutuutu ki tōku, hapū, whānau anō hoki.”

“Ko te tūmanako ka tūhonohono au i te mātauranga ka riro mā te kōhi Kāmura ki te ao Māori, kia āhei taku mahi tahi ki ngā iwi hei tū whare tareka ā-utu mō ō mātou iwi, kia awhina hoki ki te mau, ki te whakatū rānei i ngā marae, kōhanga reo me ngā kura.”

“Ka āwhina tēnei karahipi ki te whai pūtea mō āku rangahau, kia whakatata hoki ki ōku whāinga.”


Te Hiiri is working towards a Certificate in New Zealand Carpentry at the Building and Construction Industry Training Organisation (BCITO Te Pūkenga).

Te Hiiri says being a recipient of a Ngarimu VC and the 28th (Māori) Battalion Memorial Scholarship is an honour.

“I feel incredibly grateful, not only for this award but also for the courage and bravery the 28th (Māori) Battalion showed as they fought for the future we have today.”

Te Hiiri was born and raised on the banks of the Whanganui River by his pāpā and grandparents. He says he is a proud Māori whose biggest role models were his kuia, Pikiteora Keremeneta Nepia, and his late koroua, George Waretini.

“Although my koro is no longer with us, the lessons and mātauranga he and my kuia passed on to me have always made me proud to be Māori and have taught me to give back to my iwi, hapū, and whānau.”

“I hope to connect the knowledge I gain through my Carpentry course with te ao Māori so that I am one day able to work with iwi to build affordable homes for our people, and help to maintain or build marae, kōhanga reo, and kura,”

“This scholarship will help to fund my studies and bring me closer to achieving this goal of mine.”


Te Atawhai Kaa (Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Pōrou)

Scholarship duration: 1 year

Te reo Māori

E whai ana i a Te Atawhai he Pōkairua o Ngā Kanikani o Naianei ki New Zealand School of Dance.

He raukura o Te Kura o Manukura ki Te Papaioea, nō te rohe o Hokianga me Te Waiapu.

E kī ana a Te Atawhai he hōnore te whiwhi i tēnei karahipi kairangi kua tohungia te mahi a te tangata iho pumanawa i ngā tau kua pahure.

“He wā whakanui i te Māoritanga ki ngā Karahipi Ngarimu, kia tūhono tātou ki ō mātou tūpuna i whawhai ki Te Hokowhitu-a-Tū, e awhina hoki ki te mau i ō rātou maharatanga, uaratanga me ngā āhuatanga kia ora.”

I kī a Te Atawhai i tōna whai wāhi ēnei karahipi ki a ia nā te whakanui i ngā kaupapa Māori, e hiahia hoki ana ki te whakakaha i tōna tuakiritanga i a ia e kawea nei tōna whānau, hapū me tōna Māoritanga ki te huarahi whakatutuki i ōnā whainga.

“He huarahi whakaaweawe te Kanikani, mā te whiwhi i tēnei karahipi ka awhina i taku whānau me au anō hoki ki te kake i ngā herenga pūtea. E āhei hoki ana au kia tū tonu i tēnei ahumahi aukati.”


Te Atawhai is working towards a Diploma in Contemporary Dance at the New Zealand School of Dance.

She is a former pupil of Manukura School in Palmerston North, and hails from the Hokianga and Waiapu region.

Te Atawhai says she is honoured to receive such a prestigious scholarship that has been awarded to many inspirational people over the years.

“The Ngarimu Scholarships provide an opportunity to celebrate being Māori, connects us to our tūpuna who fought in the 28th (Māori) Battalion, and helps to keep their memories, values and attributes alive.”

Te Atawhai says she was drawn to these scholarships as they celebrate kaupapa Māori, and she endeavours to strengthen her identity while taking her whānau, hapū and Māoritanga along this journey of achieving her goals.

“Dance is an expensive pathway to take and receiving this scholarship will help my whānau and I to overcome some of the financial barriers that go along with it. It also allows me to continue to participate in an often-exclusive industry.”

  • Parents and caregivers