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Ministry of Education New Zealand

Types of assistance available

Eligibility criteria for school transport assistance

Understand what transport assistance might be available and who is eligible for it.

While primary responsibility for transporting children to and from school rests with their caregivers, we can help in certain circumstances.

For ākonga | students eligible for transport assistance, we provide:

  • spaces on school buses
  • conveyance allowances to contribute to the cost of getting to school or kura.

Our Specialised School Transport Assistance (SESTA) page has information about school transport assistance for students with safety and/or mobility needs.

Specialised School Transport Assistance (SESTA)

School buses

We fund school bus services for getting students to school or kura. You must check that a student meets the transport assistance eligibility criteria before they use this service.

School bus conveyance allowance

We provide a school bus conveyance allowance when there is no school bus available, or an eligible student lives more than 2.4km from the nearest bus route. It is paid to parents or whānau | families of eligible students to contribute to the cost of getting to school or kura, or the nearest school bus route.

We pay the conveyance allowance to parents once per term. How much we pay depends on how many children they are taking to school and how far they have to travel. The allowance is paid at a daily rate so the payment will vary depending on how many school days are in the term.

pdf thumbnailDaily Bus Conveyance Allowance payment rates

Eligibility for transport assistance#

A student must meet 3 criteria to be eligible for transport assistance.

Additional eligibility criteria for the school bus conveyance allowance

A student is eligible for a school bus conveyance allowance if they meet all 3 transport assistance criteria and:

  • there is no school bus available, or
  • they live more than 2.4 km from the nearest school bus route.

Transferring eligibility to another school

A student enrolled at a school that is not their nearest one may be able to transfer their eligibility for transport assistance and use the school bus. These students need to make their own way to a bus stop in their chosen school’s transport eligibility zone and will not qualify for a conveyance allowance.

Schools are responsible for confirming that a student meets the rules for an eligibility transfer.

Read this guide for information about when a student can transfer their eligibility for transport assistance to a different school.

pdf thumbnailTransfer of eligibility

Ineligible students

Students who aren’t eligible for school transport assistance may be able to access a bus service funded by us in some circumstances. This is at the discretion of the transport provider and they must meet certain criteria.

Transport providers can only take ineligible students if it does not disadvantage an eligible student and they have a seat on the bus for everyone. It also must not require the contracted route to change.

The parent or caregiver of the ineligible student must:

  • get written consent from all schools nearer to the student's home than their chosen school allowing the transport provider to carry the student
  • acknowledge in writing that they have received the conditions of transportation.

The transport provider may charge ineligible students a fare. The provider determines the amount and method of payment.

Applying for a conveyance allowance

Schools and kura can apply for the school bus conveyance allowance on behalf of students using Pokapū Waka Kura | the School Transport Hub.

Applications can also be started by parents. You will receive a notification to view and complete the application before it can be submitted to us.

Pokapū Waka Kura | the School Transport Hub – Applications and Online Systems

If you are a parent or caregiver and want to apply for a Conveyance Allowance for your child, please visit the Parents and Caregivers webpage for more information.

Conveyance Allowance - Parents and Caregivers

  • Education professionals