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Ministry of Education New Zealand

About the nutrition standards#

The nutritional guidelines have not changed from previous iterations of the programme. These have been informed by the Ministry of Health’s Healthy Food and Drink Guidance and tailored to the unique context of the School Lunches programme.

Every meal produced by meal providers is to meet the nutritional standards and include a balance of protein, vegetables and grains or starchy vegetables (carbohydrates).

The nutritional guidelines are the minimum weight of food for students.

Minimum weights per meal#

Total minimum meal weights are set for each school year group as a minimum standard. The appropriate meal size needed for students to feel full will vary depending on how filling the foods are in any given meal. Providers should consider this in menu planning and adjust meals based on student feedback.

Total minimum meal weight#

The total minimum meal weight per year group is:

  • Years 0 to 3 – 180 grams.
  • Years 4 to 8 – 240g.
  • Years 9 and over – 300g.

The total weight of each meal should exceed the minimum weight.


The weight requirement for salad vegetables is half of that for cooked vegetables.

The total minimum weights per year group are:

  • Years 0 to 3 – 50g cooked or 25g salad.
  • Years 4 to 8 – 60g cooked or 30g salad.
  • Years 9 and over – 70g cooked or 35g salad.

Grain foods and starchy vegetables#

Grain foods and starchy vegetables should be served with every meal.

The total minimum weights per year group are:

  • Years 0 to 3 – 30g.
  • Years 4 to 8 – 60g.
  • Years 9 and over – 90g.

Protein foods#

Plant-based protein foods generally contain less protein than animal-based products.

The total minimum weights per year group are:

  • Years 0 to 3 – 45g when more than half the protein food is plant-based, or 30g when more than half the protein food is animal-based.
  • Years 4 to 8 – 60g when more than half the protein food is plant-based, or 40g when more than half the protein food is animal-based.
  • Years 9 and over – 75g when more than half the protein food is plant-based, or 50g when more than half the protein food is animal-based.

Additional food items#

Foods added to lunches as additional items do not have a minimum weight. They do count towards the total meal weight.

  • Education professionals