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Ministry of Education New Zealand

Examples in the guidance

Any examples in the guidance are provided as a starting point to show how services can meet (or exceed) the requirement. Services may choose to use other approaches better suited to their needs as long as they comply with the criteria.


Hash symbol (#)

A hash symbol (#) indicates criteria that may require additional comment from public health units (usually in the form of a health report) to assist the Ministry of Education in assessing services for compliance. The authority to direct a service provider to obtain a health report is outlined in Regulation 55.

Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008, Regulation 55 – New Zealand Legislation

HS9 Sleep monitoring


A procedure for monitoring children's sleep is displayed and implemented and a record of children's sleep times is kept.

Documentation required

  1. A procedure for monitoring children's sleep. The procedure ensures that children:
    • do not have access to food or liquids while in bed; and
    • are checked for warmth, breathing, and general wellbeing at least every 5 to 10 minutes, or more frequently according to individual needs.
  2. A record of the time each child attending the service sleeps, and checks made by adults during that time.


A documented sleep procedure ensures a consistent approach by adults at the service to how they monitor the safety and wellbeing of children while sleeping. It will clearly outline the roles and responsibilities of the adults at the service when children are sleeping.

The sleep procedure must be displayed so all adults at the service understand what is expected and parents know what will occur.

Keeping a record of sleeping times and checks by adults will ensure that parents have access to important information about their child's sleeping patterns while at the service.

It demonstrates the fulfilment of the service’s duty of care. That children have been suitably monitored while sleeping to ensure their safety and wellbeing while in the care of the service.

See Things to consider for suggestions of other points to consider for sleep procedures.

Keeping records

Keep the sleep records for the current year plus 1 additional year.

Services can record sleep in a variety of ways. These include:

  • a daily ‘sleep sheet’ with:
    • date
    • names of children
    • times they slept
    • the name/signature of those checking them while in bed (every 5-10 minutes), and
    • any other comments.
  • a whiteboard/ blackboard recording information for that session or day of operation.

These services must develop a way to retain this information, how they do this is up to them as long as these records can be accessed.

Things to consider

It may be useful for a service to include all information about sleep in one place such as the sleep procedure which may include aspects such as:

  • The times of rest periods (for example structured or according to the needs of the individual child).
  • Designation of the sleep space within the premises (and how non-sleeping children will be kept separate while the sleep area is in use).
  • Minimum number of teachers responsible for supervision of sleeping children.
  • Monitoring will include checking for warmth, breathing, general wellbeing every 5 to 10 minutes or more frequently according to the needs of the child. This will be recorded along with the time of the check and the name of the adult checking.
  • Children not having access to liquids or food while in bed.
  • The need to inform parents of their children’s sleep patterns each day.
  • How sleep times and checks will be recorded and the information relayed to parents and stored.
  • How parents will be informed of this procedure (for example at point of enrolment, as part of induction process to service).

HS10 Sleep furniture spacing


# Furniture or items intended for children to sleep on (such as cots, beds, stretchers or mattresses) are arranged and spaced when in use so that:

  • adults have clear access to at least one side (meaning the length, not the width)
  • the area surrounding each child allows sufficient air movement to minimise the risk of spreading illness; and
  • children able to sit or stand can do so safely as they wake.


The space between sleep furniture/items needs to allow adults to:

  • easily check on children
  • ensure they are not too hot or cold
  • check their breathing
  • move between them quickly in an emergency.

Allow space within the sleep room for door opening and adult supervision (for example an armchair for an adult).

If multi-level cots are used:

  • Centres must ensure that children who sit or stand when they wake have room to do so. Children who can pull themselves to a standing position should not be placed in the top cot for safety reasons.
  • Centres should consider the age of the children at the service and ensure there are sufficient low-level cots for them to move into as they grow.

Further information around multi-level cots is given in PF29 Design of sleep provisions.

PF29 Design of sleep provisions

HS11 Storage of sleep furniture and bedding


# If not permanently set up, furniture or items intended for children to sleep on (such as cots, beds, stretchers or mattresses) and bedding is hygienically stored when not in use.


Furniture, such as cots, beds, stretchers or mattresses and bedding used periodically needs to be hygienically stored when not in use in order to prevent cross-infection.

Spraying and wiping cots, beds and mattresses with a suitable cleaning agent is needed before storage.

Linen must be removed from the mattresses and not stacked in between mattresses.

If bedding is to be used for the same child over the course of a week it should be labelled with the child’s name or placed in a clean labelled bag.

Centres need to ensure there is adequate hygienic storage for this purpose such as wall hooks for linen bags. A cupboard or area which children cannot access is useful.

Ensure that storage

  • does not create hazards to children but is easily accessible to adults
  • is not in the toilet or nappy changing area.