Contact your regional Ministry of Education office to find out what other groups are currently operating in your area. You could also approach your local Citizens Advice Bureau, Whānau Āwhina Plunket, Parents Centre or your antenatal group for information. You could consider joining a group which is already operating.
You will be asked by staff at your regional Ministry of Education office to think about why you want to set up a playgroup and what you hope to achieve. You need to be sure there are enough parents who are prepared to be involved in the everyday operation and management of the group.
If you decide you want to establish a playgroup, there are some things you will need to think about and consider as part of your planning. These include:
- finding a suitable venue
- equipment
- storage of equipment
- playgroup curriculum.
When you are ready to set up a playgroup, download and complete the application form. Send the completed application form to your regional office.
Mōhiohio anō