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Ministry of Education New Zealand

If there is immediate risk of harm

If there is a real risk that a child will be harmed, contact the Police or Oranga Tamariki as soon as you can.

Police: 111

Oranga Tamariki freephone (NZ only): 0508 EDASSIST 0508 332 774

How to report suspected abuse or neglect

Anyone can report suspected abuse or neglect of a child.

If you suspect abuse or neglect, you should tell someone. 

Report a concern – Oranga Tamariki

You must follow your early learning service's child protection policy.

This document sets out who you should contact.

pdf thumbnailFamily harm - who to report to

Child protection online training

Our eLearning digital resource for early learning services helps build awareness and confidence in recognising, responding to and reporting on suspected child abuse and neglect.

The training takes up to 2 hours.

It can be accessed on our training services website using your Education Sector Logon (ESL). If you do not have an ESL, contact your organisation’s ESL delegated authoriser.

Child protection eLearning resource

Mōhiohio anō

More information

The Privacy Commissioner website has 2 short videos that explain what to do if you think a child is in danger and whether to share information about at-risk children.

What do I do if I think a child is at risk? – Office of the Privacy Commissioner

Safeguarding Children has information about what to do if you are worried about a child, and what to report to Oranga Tamariki.

Worried about a child? – Safeguarding Children

Child Matters also has information on how to handle disclosures of child abuse, and indicators of child abuse.

Educating to prevent child abuse – ChildMatters

Child's Matters' 'Creating a Safe Organisation' resource has guidance on developing child protection policies and safe working practices.

Resources – ChildMatters

The Family services directory has information on family support organisations in New Zealand.

Family Services Directory

  • Education professionals