Out-of-hours music and art

Learn about how to run an out-of-hours music and art programme in your school and who to contact for help.

Level of compliance Main audience Other


  • Principals and Tumuaki
  • Educators, Teachers and Kaiako
  • Boards
  • Parents, Caregivers and Whānau

About out-of-hours music and art

Out-of-hours music and art (OOHMA) was established in the 1950s to assist primary and intermediate schools to further their students' education through out-of-hours professional tuition not normally available within the staffing of schools.

The programme provides a national allocation of approximately 56,000 hours for music and art classes in New Zealand each year.

OOHMA is intended to promote equity and give access to those who can not normally access music and art classes.

Out-of-hours music and art programme guide

For more information about the programme, including details about how it is administered, see the guide. 

Information for new host schools

If your school is interested in hosting OOHMA, get in touch with your local Ministry office. They will discuss with you the needs of your area, the criteria for host schools and if there are hours available.

Keep in mind that there is large demand and limited hours available.

Local Ministry offices

Information for existing host schools

We are here to support you in running out-of-hours music and art programmes. If you have any questions or issues, contact your local office.

For details about the programme, see the programme guide above. You can also find information about OOHMA funding on the page.

Operational funding components

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