Inclusive sport design lowers barriers to physical activity

This year, for the first time, New Zealand will host the International Symposium of Adapted Physical Activity. ISAPA 2023 is an opportunity to share knowledge and experience in professional preparation, research, advocacy, and service delivery in the fields of adapted physical activity, physical education, and sport science.

Education Gazette had a kōrero with symposium speaker Michael Woods about creating an environment where all ākonga have an equal opportunity to participate in, and celebrate, sport.

From small beginnings as a resource blog in 2017, Michael Woods’ Inclusive Sport Design has grown into a business that works to welcome, involve and celebrate more people playing and competing in sports.

Michael says he originally created the blog as a platform to share information, best practice resources and things he’d learned along his own practitioner journey.

Girl playing

Sophie enjoys a Taranaki Whānau Day with The Halberg Foundation.

“I wanted to create the resource I wish I had access to when I started my career,” he says.

Now, the business provides consulting, advisory and education services to the sports industry, including sports organisations, clubs and volunteers.

See the rest of the article on the Education Gazette website(external link). You may as well check out the other articles (Issuu website)(external link) while you’re there!

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