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Zero Data gives you free access to the websites listed below from your mobile. You don’t need data, but you do need it turned on.
Zero Data is available to anyone using a mobile device connected to the Spark, Skinny, One NZ, 2degrees, Warehouse Mobile, Slingshot or Orcon mobile networks.
Applications and online systems
Government education agencies support many IT applications needed by school leaders and staff, education providers and sector suppliers. Learn about the purpose of each application, who should use them, and getting access.
Applications and online systems
Education Counts
Access education statistics and research.
Te Rito
A platform that enables ākonga and learner information to follow them throughout their education.
Curriculum progress tools
Tools to support ākonga progress through the New Zealand Curriculum in reading, writing, and mathematics.
Hītori Māori | Māori History
Kua whakaarahia tēnei pae tukutuku hei whakawātea ki a koe i ngā rauemi e hāpai ake ai tō whakaako i Te Takanga o te Wā, He Aratohu mā ngā Pouako Tau 1–8.
Materials to help implement Te Takanga o te Wā, Guidelines for Teachers Years 1–8.
Kōwhiti Whakapae
Helping kaiako use the framework within Te Whāriki for teaching and learning, understanding and responding to a child’s progress over time, and supporting a child’s growing identity as a learner.
Learning from home
Resources, guidance and information for parents, whānau, teachers and leaders from early learning to senior secondary.
Resources, guidance, achievement standards, tools and co-requisites for both Te Marautanga o Aotearoa and The New Zealand Curriculum, to support kaiako | teachers and school leaders.
School leavers' toolkit for teachers
Helping schools provide opportunities for Year 7 to 13 students to become financially capable, learn about civics, and develop key workplace competencies.
School leavers' toolkit for teachers
The home of curriculum content, teaching materials, and news.
Youth Guarantee
Tools and initiatives for educators, learners and employers to improve young peoples’ transition from school to further study, training and employment.
Education workforce
Careers in education
Find roles in the Ministry learning support area and other roles at the Ministry of Education.
Education Gazette
Education Gazette | Tukutuku Kōrero is Aotearoa New Zealand’s source of education articles, news and career development opportunities for education professionals.
Education Workforce
Explore becoming a teacher in New Zealand and delve into career development opportunities within our education sector.
Professional learning and development
Find opportunities to strengthen teaching practice and educational leadership to support ākonga to realise their aspirations and thrive with their whānau and communities.
Learning support
He Pikorua
The practice framework for Ministry and RTLB learning support practitioners.
Inclusive education
Check out our range of guides, helping you to plan for the diverse learning and wellbeing needs of all ākonga.
Incredible Years Autism
The Incredible Years Autism programmes are part of a range of supports that the Ministry provides for children and young people on the autism spectrum.
Bullying Free NZ
Resources for schools, parents and whānau, and students, to help prevent bullying.
Ka Ora, Ka Ako | Healthy school lunches programme
Information about the programme, including support and resources for schools, kura and lunch providers.
School leavers' toolkit
Practical skills, advice, and resources for finding your way after leaving school.