Supporting children who are Deaf and hard of hearing

Learn about the resources and supports available for children who are Deaf or hard of hearing.

Level of compliance Main audience Other


  • Parents, caregivers and whānau
  • Educators, teachers and kaiako
  • All Early Learning Services
  • Boards
  • Principals and tumuaki

Definition of Deaf and hard of hearing

'Deaf' and 'hard of hearing' refers to children and young people from birth to 18 years of age (21 if still at school) who have been identified with a long term or permanent hearing loss, whether in one or both ears, and/or auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder.

This is usually identified through the universal newborn hearing screening programmes, which allows prompt access to early supports to promote the early development of language, learning and social wellbeing.

Some children’s hearing can deteriorate over time. Parents and teachers may notice that a child or young person is having difficulty listening at home or in the classroom. Often this is temporary, but the family can seek a hearing assessment through their doctor and through Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora audiological services.

Support takes an individual approach

Ko te ahurei o te whānau ārahia o tatou mahi.
Let the uniqueness of the family guide our work.

Every child’s needs and circumstances are unique. The supports provided may differ for each child and young person depending on their abilities, age, and circumstances.

Support focuses on building the confidence and capability of whānau and educators to make choices on how to best support the child. Support is based around a single plan for each child or young person to make progress in their development and learning. Planning includes flexibility to respond to individual needs and the wishes of the whānau.

About advisers on Deaf children

The Ministry of Education employs advisers on Deaf children (AoDC) who work alongside children identified as Deaf or hard of hearing and their families and whānau from birth to Year 3 at school.

Advisers on Deaf children:

  • talk to family, whānau and educators about the best ways to support the child at home and in their learning environments
  • provide ongoing advice and guidance on communication and language development to meet the aspirations and needs of the child and their family and whānau through early childhood and into school
  • work together with parents, whānau, educators and others as a team. Teams work collaboratively to develop a plan and to provide information and a range of supports as required.

Available support

Advisers on Deaf children often act as the whānau | family key person, supporting other professionals, including speech-language therapists and Resource Teachers of the Deaf, to become involved when specific goals or needs for support are identified by the team.

For whānau Māori, advisers on Deaf children work alongside kaitakawaenga to ensure supports are culturally responsive and enhancing.

The support Advisers on Deaf children provide:

  • is family and whānau-centred
  • is in the child's natural settings – homes, education settings and communities
  • uses an adult coaching approach for family, whānau and educators
  • uses a routines and strengths-based approach with family and whānau when identifying goals for their children
  • enables teams to work in a culturally responsive way.

Collaboration with other agencies

Advisers on Deaf children liaise and work collaboratively with other agencies listed below:

  • Ko Taku Reo Deaf Education New Zealand
    • Resource Teachers of the Deaf
    • New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL) Tutors
  • Deaf Aotearoa First Signs Facilitators
  • Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Audiologists
  • Cochlear Implant Programmes.

To discuss or request support, phone or email your regional Ministry office.

Regional Ministry offices

How to access support services

There are a range of services available depending on the identified needs, the goals set and the locally available resources.

Support services may be provided by the education setting, Resource Teachers of the Deaf, Advisers on Deaf children, early intervention teams, and/or by other providers.

Ko Taku Reo Deaf Education New Zealand

Ko Taku Reo Deaf Education New Zealand provides a national network of services for ākonga who are Deaf and hard of hearing.

They provide support for Deaf and hard of hearing ākonga in their local education settings through Resource Teachers of the Deaf, or in their Bilingual Provisions and NZSL Immersion Day Schools provided in the area.

Ko Taku Reo Deaf Education New Zealand(external link)

Freephone: 0800 332 369


First signs

First Signs provides support for families and whānau of Deaf or hard of hearing children from birth to 5 years.

They provide families and whānau with opportunities to learn NZSL, introduce them to Deaf culture and Deaf community and support their child’s language development.

First Signs(external link)

Phone: 0800 333 2322


Cochlear implant programmes

Northern Cochlear Implant Programme

The Hearing House is based in Auckland and provides the cochlear implant programme support services north of Taupō.

Hearing House(external link)

Phone: 09 579 2333

Freephone: 0800 254 783

Southern Cochlear Implant Programme

The Southern Cochlear Implant Programme provides services south of Taupō with clinics available in Wellington and Christchurch.

Southern Cochlear Implant Programme(external link)

Freephone Wellington: 0800 504 405

Freephone Christchurch: 0800 500 405


Deaf Children New Zealand Tamariki Turi O Aotearoa

Deaf Children New Zealand Tamariki Turi O Aotearoa is a parent-led volunteer organisation that supports families of Deaf and hard of hearing children.

Deaf Children NZ works with families to support them with advocating for their children, and with other organisations to advocate on a national level for appropriate access to language, education, and social supports.

Deaf Children New Zealand Tamariki Turi O Aotearoa(external link)


Deaf Aotearoa

Deaf Aotearoa is the national organisation representing the voice of Deaf people and the national service provider for Deaf people in New Zealand.

Deaf Aotearoa(external link)

Freephone: 0800 332 332


Resources and readings


Communication support for preschool children who are Deaf or hard of hearing – Parents and whānau website(external link)

Early intervention information for parents – Parents and whānau website(external link)

The Incredible Years for parents – Te Kete Ipurangi(external link)

It Takes Two to Talk – The Hanen Centre(external link)

New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL) support – First Signs(external link)

The Family Book | He pukapuka āwhina mā ngā whānau – Deaf Children NZ(external link)


The Incredible Years for teachers – Te Kete Ipurangi(external link)

Much More Than Words – SE Online(external link)

Inclusive Education guide to Deaf and hard of hearing(external link)

Inclusive Education guide to speech, language and communication(external link)

Self-directed NZSL learning

Learn NZSL(external link)

Learn NZSL is a free online learning portal with hours of videos, resources, and exercises on NZSL. The videos cover basic NZSL and Deaf culture.

NZSL Dictionary(external link)

NZSL Dictionary offer 4500+ of multimedia and multilingual dictionary entries. Explore the NZSL Dictionary by:

  • Keyword Search in English / Māori languages
  • Visual Search by hand shape and body location
  • Browse over 50 topics
  • Learn about finger spelling alphabet, numbers and classifiers.

NZSL Week(external link)

There are 3 weeks of instructional videos on the Deaf Aotearoa website.

Week 1 – NZSL Week(external link)

Week 2 – NZSL Week(external link)

Week 3 – NZSL Week(external link)

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