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Ministry of Education New Zealand

School boards must make sure any project manager or electrical contractor working at their school is aware of the standards we require.

Electrical work standards

All electrical work in schools must comply with our electrical installations standard.

pdf thumbnailElectrical Installations: Standard for Schools

It must also comply with the Australian/New Zealand wiring rules.

There is a 2018 version of this standard that is currently not cited for use by legislation. The 2007 standard, below, is still the standard cited in the Electricity (Safety) Regulations 2010.

Australia/New Zealand Standard 3000: 2007: Electrical installations – Standards New Zealand

Electricity (Safety) Regulations 2010 – New Zealand Legislation

These standards are mainly used by electrical engineers, designers, consultants and contractors.

Schools must comply with the standards when:

  • installing new electrical infrastructure
  • altering existing electrical infrastructure
  • repairing or maintaining existing electrical infrastructure.

Records of electrical work

Schools are responsible for keeping records of any electrical work done. These records will be needed for future work or if there are any problems with work carried out.

Depending on the type of work completed, these records include:

  • Certificate of Compliance (CoC)
  • Record of Inspection (RoI)
  • Electrical Safety Certificate (ESC)
  • Entry on Electricity and Gas High-risk Database (by electrical inspector).
  • Education professionals