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Ministry of Education New Zealand

Contractors who work on school construction projects must show us they have:

  • capability in health and safety practices
  • systems in place to manage health and safety risks.

We set out health and safety requirements for contractors during the tendering process. Contractors must comply with:

  • health and safety documents relating to the site (such as the school’s health and safety policy)
  • health and safety requirements outlined in their contract for work with us.

Site specific safety plans for school sites

Contractors must have a site-specific safety plan (SSSP). We have minimum requirements for SSSPs that contractors must meet. SSSPs describe how work will be carried out without exposing workers and others to health and safety risks. It must include the elements in this document as a minimum.

pdf thumbnailSite specific safety plan

Contractors must submit the below assurance declaration checklist together with their SSSP to us to show they have met our minimum requirements.

pdf thumbnailContractor assurance declaration checklist

Construction works isolation guidelines

Contractors must include a construction works isolation plan in their SSSP. This should be developed together with the school. It should prevent or minimise the risk of students, staff and visitors being exposed to hazards and risks from construction works.

The guidelines outline our expectations about the safe management of construction works around school activities.

pdf thumbnailConstruction works isolation guidelines

Emergency response plan

An emergency response plan must be made to show that procedures are in place. The emergency plan must be coordinated and agreed upon between the construction site and the school.

Both must be aware of how their operations may impact the other. They must also know what emergency procedures need to be followed.

Incident reporting

All incidents, including near-miss events, must be reported to us.

Health and safety incident reporting on Ministry-led construction projects

Notifiable events must be reported to WorkSafe and to us.

Notify WorkSafe – WorkSafe

  • Education professionals