Primary Teachers' Collective Agreement

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Primary Teachers' Collective Agreement 2023–2025 [PDF, 1.1 MB]

Speech-language therapists who are covered by the Therapists' Pay Equity Claim Settlement have additional terms and conditions not reflected in the PTCA:

Employment information for Speech-Language Therapists [PDF, 232 KB]

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Changes to the agreement

Read about the recent changes in the Primary Teachers' Collective Agreement.

Changes to the Primary Teachers’ Collective Agreement 2023-25

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Showing 41 - 60 of 60 results for Leave without pay

4.9 Unpaid Refreshment Leave

4.9.1 Full-time certificated teachers and part-time teachers employed for at least 0.8 FTTE per week, attested at the experienced teacher level against the professional standards in this Agreement, shall be entitled (subject to 4.9.2) to take unpaid refreshment leave of one school term after three years' service in the school or up to one school year after five years' service in the school. When a period of unpaid refreshment leave has been taken, a further period of qualifying service…

4.10 Paid Sabbatical Leave


There will be 50 paid sabbaticals awarded annually.
Each period of paid sabbatical leave will be of ten weeks' duration paid at the rate of the teacher’s normal pay.

4.10.2 Entitlement to the paid sabbatical leave is subject to the following provisos:

A teacher must have completed service of at least five years as a teacher, three of which must have been spent in the New Zealand state and state-integrated sector to qualify for paid sabbatical leave;
Application by the teacher iden…

10 Reconfirmation/Reassignment

10.1 For the purpose of the clauses below:

‘Reconfirmation’ shall mean the process whereby employees without permanent units are transferred to suitable positions at the reorganised school. A suitable position is one which has similar duties and/or for which the applicant is appropriately qualified and experienced or could become so with reasonable access to re-training.
‘Reassignment’ shall mean the process that applies to equivalent positions in the reorganised school.
‘Equivalent position’ s…

1.8 Additional Payment

1.8.1  The parties to this Agreement recognise the value in their ongoing and productive relationship, including their joint efforts to give effect to building an environment in which the teaching profession is highly regarded, sustainable, and is fit for now and the future of learning. Collective bargaining is a key part of those joint efforts. In recognition of the benefits arising out of the parties’ relationship, including NZEI Te Riu Roa’s role in negotiating terms and conditions for primar…

7.10 Payment of Fares to Mainland for Professional Development

Employing Boards shall pay an actual or equivalent return air fare (not to exceed $2,000) by normal air flight for four permanent full-time teachers per annum for the purposes of professional development. The teachers shall become eligible for the subsidy on each anniversary of their arrival in the Chatham Islands.

4.11 Jury Service and Witness Leave

Except where employees are pursuing their own interests or where answering charges against themselves, the employer will grant leave with pay when an employee is required by subpoena to attend court proceedings as a witness or to serve on a jury, provided that where fees are paid, these fees shall be repaid to the employer for repayment to the Public Account.

2.10 Hours of Work/Leave

2.10.1 Employees shall work such hours as may be reasonably required of them to enable them to properly fulfil their responsibilities as teachers whether or not such hours exceed 40 hours per week. The normal hours of work for employees should as far as practicable however not exceed 40 hours per week Monday to Friday.

2.10.2 It is acknowledged that employees are required to undertake such duties as:

Preparation, evaluation and assessment time generated by classes/sessions and the students wit…

4.12 Family Violence Leave

Family Violence Leave as provided for by the Holidays Act 2003 is in addition to other leave allowances within the collective agreement.

3.12 Grandparented Service Increment

A permanent employee on 1 July 1992 who received a service increment shall maintain that entitlement at a rate of $1,641 per annum while the employee remains in a position covered by this Agreement.
Teachers from area or secondary schools who were in receipt of a service increment under their appropriate Contract as at 10 September 1992 who then transfer to the primary service shall receive the primary service increment of $1,641 per annum.
A short break in service (being less than six months) f…

3.13 Higher Duties Allowance – Acting in a Higher Position Other Than Principal

A higher duties allowance shall be paid to an employee who acts up for more than eight consecutive working days in a position with a higher salary.
The amount of the higher duties allowance shall be:
An additional 5% on the employee’s existing salary (excluding allowances) for periods where the employee acts up for up to one term;
The difference between the employee’s existing salary (excluding allowances) and the rate for the position the employee is acting in but not more than the rate which i…

16 Reduction of Hours for Permanent Part-time Teachers

16.1 A permanent part-time teacher who is offered a position with reduced hours at the reorganised school may elect either:

That the position has been disestablished and the provisions of clause 17 shall apply; or
To accept the position in which case a partial redundancy payment will be payable by the employer.
16.2 Partial redundancy compensation will be calculated on the basis of applying the severance pay formula described in clause 17.12 of this Appendix to the reduction in salary rate betw…

3.14 Relieving Principal

Where a teacher relieves in the position of principal for a period of more than two weeks, payment for the period concerned shall be an allowance representing the difference between his/her salary (if any) and the base salary rate that would be payable if the teacher was appointed to the position of principal but shall not be less than the rate of salary in the teacher’s own position.
The allowance shall be paid from the first day of acting up including the first two weeks.
This allowance shall…

17 Staff Surplus Entitlements in Reorganising Schools

… these service entitlements;
For the purpose of these provisions ordinary pay is defined as basic taxable salary plus regular taxable allowances paid on a continuous basis as at the effective date that the surplus staffing takes effect. For employees on leave without pay, ordinary pay shall be the ordinary pay at the time of taking leave.

17.14 For the purpose of clauses 17.11 and 17.12 “service” is defined as the aggregate of all employment as a teacher in state or state-integrated schools and…

3.15 Isolation Allowance

3.15.1 An employee whose work requires that they reside at an isolated locality as outlined in clause 3.15.5 or 3.15.6 below, will receive an isolation allowance.

3.15.2 The allowance is not payable to short-term relievers defined in 1.6.9.

3.15.3 An isolation allowance will be paid fortnightly and during:

Periods of annual leave, whether or not the employee remains in the isolated locality;
Any absence from the isolated locality on sick leave or other paid leave of up to seven consecutive da…

3.23 Payment of Salaries

3.23.1 Payment of Salaries – Permanent Employees

The salaries of employees shall be paid fortnightly and the gross salary for a full pay period is calculated as 14/365ths of the annual salary rate. For broken periods the calculation is the number of days due multiplied by the annual rate and divided by 365. Gross salary comprises all salary and allowances (temporary and permanent).

3.23.2 Payment of Salaries - Long Term Relievers

Long-term relievers employed in excess of three weeks shall be…

3.24 Holiday Pay (Permanent and Long Term Relieving Employees)

… when a half-day is involved the calculation is made to the benefit of the employee. In calculating holiday pay the following rules apply:

Holiday Pay = 30% of the number of days of service in a school year defined above.
If a permanent employee has had leave without pay for a period exceeding five consecutive days, the holiday pay to be deducted is based on the total number of days without pay.
When an employee resigns, any half-day resulting from calculation of holiday pay is to the benefit o…

3.25 Part-time Employees

3.25.1 The salary of a part-time employee shall be a proportion of the rate in the base scale applicable if employed full-time, excluding any additional allowances.

3.25.2 Temporary Change in Hours

Where a part-time employee increases the number of weekly class contact hours (but less than full-time) for a period of up to four weeks, the additional hours shall be paid on the basis of 1/l,000 of the employee’s annual rate (this rate is inclusive of holiday pay).

3.25.3 Long-term Change in Hour…

3.38 Learning Support Coordinators

Unless specifically stated in this part, the terms and conditions of employment are the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

3.38.1 The number of Learning Support Coordinator (Coordinator) roles will be generated annually by the Staffing Order and allocated to boards.

3.38.2 The purpose of the Coordinator roles is to promote effective and inclusive teaching and learning practice within the schools including those in a Kāhui Ako or Cluster and to strengthen the support to children with addit…