Primary Teachers' Collective Agreement

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Primary Teachers' Collective Agreement 2023–2025 [PDF, 1.1 MB]

Speech-language therapists who are covered by the Therapists' Pay Equity Claim Settlement have additional terms and conditions not reflected in the PTCA:

Employment information for Speech-Language Therapists [PDF, 232 KB]

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Changes to the agreement

Read about the recent changes in the Primary Teachers' Collective Agreement.

Changes to the Primary Teachers’ Collective Agreement 2023-25

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Showing 21 - 60 of 60 results for Leave without pay

7.3 Fuel and Power

7.3.1 Coal, diesel and gas shall be provided free of charge.

7.3.2 Teachers shall pay the cost of their domestic electricity consumption depending on the size of their household. This shall be up to the following maximums:

Household SizeMaximum Annual Payment

1 person

2-4 persons

5+ persons

Where teacher households exceed the maximum domestic electricity consumption cost as provided for in paragraph 7.3.2 above, teachers shall be reimbursed the additional cost by th…

8.3 Hours of Work (Instead of 2.10)

8.3.1 As well as the number of students a teacher may be assigned to teach, the hours of work of individual teachers are influenced by factors such as:

The preparation, evaluation and assessment time that may be generated by those students or by other requirements such as external examination prescriptions or the need to report on the progress of individual students;
The counselling and pastoral needs of students;
The administrative responsibilities of individual teachers either in respect of t…

9A Surplus Staffing - Teachers

… these service entitlements;
For the purpose of these provisions ordinary pay is defined as basic taxable salary plus regular taxable allowances paid on a continuous basis as at the effective date that the surplus staffing takes effect. For teachers on leave without pay, ordinary pay shall be the ordinary pay at the time of taking leave;
For the purpose of clause 9A.11 “service” is defined as the aggregate of all employment as a teacher in state or state-integrated schools and/or service as a tr…

4.5 Parental Leave

Note: employees are encouraged to contact the Employment Relations Service on 0800 20 90 20 for more information on parental leave.

4.5.1 The provisions of the Parental Leave and Employment Protection Act 1987 shall apply, except in the case of superior provisions listed below.

4.5.2 The Act provides entitlements to prospective parents, including those adopting a child under the age of six years, who meet specific criteria, as set out in the Act. Those entitlements are:

Special leave (pregnan…

8.4 Units (Instead of 3.9)

8.4.1 Units will be allocated to teachers on a permanent basis, to positions with permanent responsibilities, and to individuals given additional responsibilities at a higher level for a fixed period, and may be given to teachers seconded to Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu for a specified period. Positions designated Senior Teacher, Liaison Teacher, Team Leader or Curriculum Leader will be assigned units according to the degree of responsibilities assigned to the position.

8.4.2 The rate per unit is a…

4.6 Bereavement/Tangihanga Leave for Death in New Zealand or Overseas

4.6.1 An employer shall approve special bereavement/tangihanga leave on pay for an employee to discharge any obligation and/or to pay respects to a deceased person with whom the employee has had a close association. Such obligations may exist because of blood or family ties or because of particular cultural requirements such as attendance at all or part of a tangihanga, or its equivalent.

4.6.2 In granting leave the following must be taken into account:

The closeness of the association between…

107 Definition of involvement in activities of union for purposes of section 104

For the purposes of section 104, involvement in the activities of a union means that, within 12 months before the action complained of, the employee—

was an officer of a union or part of a union, or was a member of the committee of management of a union or part of a union, or was otherwise an official or representative of a union or part of a union; or
had acted as a negotiator or representative of employees in collective bargaining; or
ba. had participated in a strike lawfully; or
was involved…

7.5 Payment of Fares to Mainland for Annual Leave

Employing Boards shall pay actual or equivalent return air fares by normal air flights to enable teachers and their families to take annual leave on the mainland. For Pitt Island teachers the subsidy shall also cover the associated return air travel between Pitt Island and Chatham Island. This provision is based on the following conditions:

That teachers shall become eligible for the subsidy on each anniversary of their arrival in the Chathams;
Teachers may anticipate subsidised leave trips at…

8.5 Leave

The reference to “any time when the school is officially closed for instruction” in clause 2.10.3 of this Agreement shall be deemed to mean “the term breaks annually gazetted for composite schools” in the case of teachers employed at Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu who are bound by this Agreement.

10.5 Suspension

If the alleged conduct is deemed sufficiently serious an employee may be either suspended with or without pay or transferred temporarily to other duties.
The employer shall not, unless there are exceptional circumstances, suspend the employee without first allowing the employee a reasonable opportunity to make submissions to the employer about the alleged misconduct and the appropriateness of suspension in all of the circumstances. The employer shall take into account any submissions made by the…

1.6 Definitions

The following definitions apply for the purposes of this Agreement unless specified otherwise:

1.6.1 ‘Area school’ shall mean a composite school that offers education to students in all of Years 1–13.

1.6.2 ‘Composite school’ shall mean a school classified as a composite school under the Education and Training Act 2020.

1.6.3 ‘Correspondence school’ shall mean a school classified as a correspondence school under the Education and Training Act 2020.

1.6.4 ‘Employer’ shall mean a school board…

10.6 Instant Dismissal

Nothing in clauses 10.2, 10.3, 10.4 or 10.5 prevents instant dismissal without notice in the case of serious misconduct.

4.7 Discretionary Leave

4.7.1 The employer may, where there are special circumstances, grant discretionary leave with or without pay to any employee during periods when the school is officially open for instruction, provided that such leave does not unreasonably impinge upon the operational requirements of the school. Before approving any discretionary leave, the employer shall ensure that the granting of such leave complies with any funding arrangements applying to the school in respect of such leave. Leave may be gra…

10.7 Competency

10.7.1 Where there are matters of competency which are causing concern in respect of any employee (for example failing to meet the beginning, fully certificated, or Assistant and Deputy Principal professional standards, as appropriate), the principal shall put in place appropriate assistance and personal guidance to assist that employee.

10.7.2 When this assistance and guidance has not remedied the situation, the following provisions should govern the action to be taken:

The employee must be a…

6.6 Legal Fees and Land Agent's Commission

6.6.1 Where a teacher sells and/or buys land or a residence, they shall be reimbursed for the following expenses provided all transactions (buying, selling, or building and occupying) occur within two years after the date of the transfer:

Maximum amount for reimbursement

Buying a house at the new location; or
Building and occupying a house at the new location; and
Selling a house at the former location.

Legal fees and land agent's commission combined total of - $11,000


4.8 Study Leave

4.8.1 Any teacher who applies for and is awarded one of the 75 full-time equivalent Study Awards, available nationally each year to all primary teachers and principals, shall be granted leave on pay for the period of the study. The priorities for the awarding of the study awards shall be as determined by the Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga after consultation with the NZEI Te Riu Roa.

4.8.2 In allocating study awards the good employer requirements of sections 597 and 600 of the…

110 Duress

For the purposes of section 103(1)(f), an employee is subject to duress in that employee's employment in relation to membership or non-membership of a union or employees organisation if that employee's employer or a representative of that employer directly or indirectly—
makes membership of a union or employees organisation or of a particular union or employees organisation a condition to be fulfilled if that employee wishes to retain that employee's employment; or
makes non-membe…

9 Voluntary Options

9.1 Following the announcement of the final staffing structure, the employer shall seek written expressions of interest in the following voluntary options. For the purpose of this clause “employer” shall mean the continuing Board.

Redeployment/supernumerary employment of 40 (forty) school weeks at any of the reorganised school/s involved in the particular school reorganisation process (clauses 17.2–17.9);
redeployment/supernumerary employment of 30 (thirty) school weeks in another school (claus…

2.8 Paid Union Meetings

2.8.1 The employer must allow every union member employed by the employer to attend at least two union meetings (each of a maximum of two hours' duration) in each calendar year.

2.8.2 The union must give the employer at least 14 days' notice of the date and time of any union meeting to be held.

2.8.3 The union must make such arrangements with the employer as may be necessary to ensure that the school remains open for instruction during any union meeting, including, where appropriate,…