Primary Principals' (NZEI) Collective Agreement

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Primary Principals' (NZEI Te Riu Roa) Collective Agreement [PDF, 778 KB]

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Changes to the agreement

Read about the recent changes in the Primary Principals' (NZEI) Collective Agreement.

Changes to the Primary Principals’ (NZEI) Collective Agreement 2023-25

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Removal Expenses from Schools Qualifying for the Staffing Incentive Allowance

4.1 A principal in a school qualifying for the staffing incentive allowance shall be required to complete a minimum of three years' continuous service in one or more of the schools concerned in order to be eligible for removal services and expenses provided in clause 1.1 of this Appendix when moving from such a school to another state or state-integrated school as a principal or teacher in a permanent position or in a long term reliever appointment of at least one year.

4.2 A principal in…

5.4 Salary Protection

Grading Changes

5.4.1 Where the appropriate base salary of a principal (as specified in clause 5.2.2) changes as a result of a drop in grade of the position and the principal’s existing base salary exceeds the rate for the new grade; and the change in grade is contained in the September Staffing Notice, and is not countered by an increase generated in the 1 March roll, the principal’s salary above the rate for the new grade will be protected for a period of 24 months from the beginning of the s…

4.4 Primary Principals’ Career Structure


This clause outlines a career progression for primary principals who meet the professional criteria as affirmed by their Board in accordance with clause 4.4.1(d) and the service criteria.  Payments made under this clause are to encourage and recognise individual professional growth, leadership and contribution of a primary principal. Having met the relevant service criteria, the timing as to when to seek affirmation against the applicable career structure criteria will be established by t…

10.4 Medical Retirement


The purpose of this provision is to:
Provide the opportunity for principals currently in service, who are declared medically unfit or who have a terminal or serious illness, to retire from teaching with dignity;
Give the ability for boards to recruit a new principal to the vacant permanent position without delay.

‘Currently in service’ means the principal is employed in a permanent position at the time the application for medical retirement is made and when concurrence is given by the S…

1.4 Definitions

The following definitions apply unless the Agreement otherwise specifies:

1.4.1 “Area school” shall have the meaning ascribed in the Education (School Staffing) Order for the time being in force.

1.4.2 “Composite school” shall mean a school classified as a composite school under the Education and Training Act 2020.

1.4.3 “Employer” shall mean a School Board (Board) constituted pursuant to the Education and Training Act 2020 (or where a Commissioner has been appointed under sections 170 or 181…

4 Motor Vehicles

4.1 All freight and landing charges shall be paid by employing authorities both ways.

4.2 Employees who transport their own vehicles to the Chatham Islands and Pitt Island shall receive an extra vehicle allowance of $2,739 per annum.

8.3 Competency

8.3.1 Where there are matters of competency which are causing concern the Board shall put in place appropriate individual assistance and guidance to assist the principal and for that purpose, may seek such appropriate professional advice as may be required.

8.3.2 Where this assistance and guidance has not remedied the situation, the Board shall initiate a competency process and the following provisions should govern the action to be taken:

the principal must be advised in writing of the specif…

5 Payment of Fares to Mainland for Annual Leave

Employing authorities shall pay actual or equivalent return air fares by normal air flights to enable employees and their families to take annual leave on the mainland. For Pitt Island employees the subsidy shall also cover the associated return air travel between Pitt Island and Chatham Island. This provision is based on the following conditions:

That employees shall become eligible for the subsidy on each anniversary of their arrival in the Chatham Islands;
Teachers may anticipate subsidised…

7.4 Disregarded Sick Leave

7.4.1 Disregarded sick leave not exceeding an overall aggregate of two years shall be granted by the Secretary, where in the opinion of the Secretary one of the following conditions has been met:

The sickness can be traced directly to the conditions or circumstances under which the principal is working; or
The injury occurred in the discharge of the principal’s duties through no fault of the principal; and where no payment has been made by the Accident Compensation Corporation; or
The principal…

1.5 Declaration Pursuant to Act

1.5.1 Pursuant to Section 595 of the Education and Training Act 2020 the Secretary acting pursuant to the delegated authority of the Public Service Commissioner has declared that all of the conditions contained in this Agreement are actual conditions of employment provided that the Secretary may, from time to time, give approval to the salary rates or allowances being treated as minimum rates where there is agreement to this between the employer and the principal.

5.5 Payment of Salaries

5.5.1 Basis of Calculation

The salaries of principals shall be paid fortnightly and the gross salary for a full pay period is calculated as 14/365ths of the annual salary rate. For broken periods the calculation is the number of days due multiplied by the annual rate and divided by 365. Gross salary comprises all salary and allowances (temporary and those paid on a regular basis).

5.5.2 Method of Payment

Salaries shall be paid fortnightly by direct credit to the principal’s nominated bank acc…

2.5 Personal Files

2.5.1 The employer shall ensure that personal files are held in a secure place and access is confined to authorised personnel and the principal concerned.

2.5.2 Attention is drawn to the Privacy Act 2020 which outlines responsibilities for the collection, storage and availability of personal information.

First Permanent Appointment

5.1 On first permanent appointment a principal shall be eligible for the provisions set out in clause 4.2 of this Appendix where they meet the following criteria:

The principal is resident in New Zealand at the time of appointment and;
The appointment is within 12 months following graduation from a course of teacher training recognised by the Secretary and;
The appointment involves a shift to another housing district.


Reimbursement of the cost of surface fares for the principals and depen…

4.5 Professional Standards

4.5.1 The professional standards, outlined in Schedule 2 of this Agreement, were developed following consultation with NZEI Te Riu Roa, the New Zealand Principals' Federation (NZPF) and the New Zealand School Trustees Association (NZSTA) in accordance with section 599 of the Education and Training Act 2020. It is no longer a requirement to have a performance agreement.  If the board has any concerns regarding the competence of a principal, the provisions in Part 8 of this Agreement will app…

8.4 Discipline

8.4.1 The following will apply where specific disciplinary matter(s) are cause for concern.

8.4.2 The principal must be advised of the right to have representation at any stage.

8.4.3 The principal must be advised in writing of the specific matter(s) causing concern and be given a reasonable opportunity to provide an explanation.  Before making a final decision, the Board may need to make further inquiries in order to be satisfied as to the facts of the specific matter(s) causing concern.


Principals on Long-Term Specialist Courses

Principals shall be reimbursed 100% of actual and reasonable removal expenses as per clause 1.1 of this Appendix where they shift their household to the course centre.

5.6 Retirement Savings

5.6.1 Principals are eligible to join a KiwiSaver scheme in accordance with the terms of those schemes.

5.6.2 Employer or government contributions to retirement or superannuation schemes which are closed to new members (and include the Teachers’ Retirement Savings Scheme and the Government Superannuation Fund), shall continue in accordance with the terms of those schemes.

5.6.3 Where government or employer contributions are made to another retirement or superannuation scheme of which a princip…

Mediation Service

The Mediation Service is a free and independent service available through the MBIE.
This service helps to both resolve employment relationship problems and promote the smooth conduct of employment relationships.
Mediation is a mutual problem solving process, aimed at reaching an agreement, assisted by an independent mediator.
If the parties can’t reach a settlement they can ask the mediator to make a final and binding (written) decision.
A settlement reached through mediation and signed by the m…

7.5 Holiday Pay Deductions

7.5.1 Holiday pay is not reduced for periods of sick leave with pay.

7.5.2 When principals have used their current sick leave entitlement holiday pay may be reduced for periods of sick leave without pay on the following conditions:

No deduction is to be made from the holiday pay of principals for periods of sick leave without pay for periods not exceeding 90 calendar days in any one school year.
Where the total amount of sick/accident leave without pay is in excess of 90 calendar days the dedu…