Primary Principals' (NZEI) Collective Agreement

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Primary Principals' (NZEI Te Riu Roa) Collective Agreement [PDF, 778 KB]

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Changes to the agreement

Read about the recent changes in the Primary Principals' (NZEI) Collective Agreement.

Changes to the Primary Principals’ (NZEI) Collective Agreement 2023-25

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1.2 Name of Agreement

1.2.1 This Agreement shall be called the Primary Principals’ (NZEI) Collective Agreement and referred to as “PPCA (NZEI)” or “the Agreement”.

6.2 Other Allowances

6.2.1 Normal School Allowance

A principal in a normal or a model school shall receive an additional salary of $2,000 per annum.

6.2.2 Bus Controller's Allowance

A principal appointed bus controller for a school district who undertakes the full duties of bus control as determined from time to time by the employer shall be paid additional salary at the rate of:

$3.72 per day for the first route
$1.30 per day for each additional route.

6.2.3 Associate Teacher Allowance

An associate teach…

Isolation Allowance Rates

The isolation allowance rates for employees whose full-time residence is in a locality which has a population of less than 300 are:

CategoryEligibility CriteriaOff-shore island ClassificationsBasic Rate Per Annum ($)

Category 1
60-100km from a population centre of greater than 1,500 persons

Category 2
101-150km from a population centre of greater than 1,500 persons

Category 3
151-200km from a population centre of greater than 1,500 persons

Category 4
200km from a po…

Level 2: Development Programmes (51% to 80% Immersion)

Te reo Māori is, for most of the time, the language of communication and instruction.
English is accepted as a temporary language of instruction and communication.
There is an agreement between the school and parents that the programme will achieve a particular level of immersion over a specified period of time.
The level of fluency of the teacher will vary considerably, from not very fluent to native-like fluency.
There is a reliance on Kaiarahi Reo to increase the amount of spoken Māori in the…

Professional Standards for Primary Principals

It is no longer a requirement to have a performance agreement.  If the board has any concerns regarding the competence of a principal , the provisions in Part 8 of this Agreement will apply.  The standards below provide clarity about professional expectations for principals.  They can form part of the principal's job description and alongside the school's strategic plans, contribute to a framework which assists in assessing and reviewing current fulfilment of expectations and in identi…

Part 9: Surplus Staffing

9.1.1 In the situation of a school reorganisation process, the principals’ positions in all the closed or reorganised schools shall be disestablished and clauses 9.7 and/or 9.8 shall apply. The new position of principal in the reorganised school shall be advertised pursuant to Section 604 of the Education and Training Act 2020.

9.1.2 Where the staffing requirements within the school have been reviewed by an employer (including as a consequence of amalgamation, merger, change of status, and/or c…

Resolving an Employment Relationship Problem

The employee and employer should first make a reasonable effort to discuss the problem and settle it by mutual agreement. (If it’s a personal grievance, it must first be raised with the employer within 90 days (12 months in the case of a personal grievance in respect of sexual harassment) - Personal Grievances are explained further below).

An employee (or employer) has the right to be represented at any stage.

When a problem arises, union members should contact their local NZEI Te Riu Roa fiel…

2 Housing (Other)

Heavy furniture and blinds, as in the agreed schedule, plus garage/storeroom shall be provided for employee households. Storage costs shall be met by employing authorities as an official expense for household effects left on the mainland and for freight and effects forwarded back to the mainland before completion of employment on the Chatham Islands, with government bulk storage facilities used as appropriate.

1.3 Term of Agreement

1.3.1 This Agreement shall come into force on 3 July 2023 and shall expire on 2 July 2025, except as provided for under section 53 of the Employment Relations Act 2000.

6.3 Isolation Allowance

6.3.1 A principal whose work requires that they reside for the term of their appointment at a locality designated as isolated will receive an isolation allowance at the prescribed rate.

6.3.2 An isolation allowance will be paid fortnightly and during:

periods of annual leave, whether or not the principal remains in the isolated locality;
any absence from the isolated locality on sick leave or other paid leave of up to seven consecutive days;
periods where a principal goes to another locality a…

5.3 Definition of Roll

5.3.1 For the purposes of determining a principal’s U grade as per clauses 5.2.2 and 5.2.4 “roll” shall mean the greater of the provisional (September) staffing roll or the confirmed (March) staffing roll, as determined by the relevant Staffing Order in Council, except that students who are included in the Ongoing Resourcing Scheme (at 1 July for the September school roll purposes) shall be counted on the following basis:

Students classified as “very high” under the Ongoing Resourcing Scheme sh…

7.3 Sick Leave

7.3.1 Sick Leave entitlement until 27 January 2024

Until 27 January 2024, all principals are entitled to sick leave on pay on account of sickness or injury under either clause (a) or (b) as follows:

A principal who works for the employer for a period of more than six months, or has service recognised for the purposes of sick leave (as defined in clause 7.3.4) shall be entitled to 5 days sick leave on pay on account of sickness or injury, in each ensuing period of 12 months. In addition, princi…

2.3 Re-entry after Absence Due to Childcare

2.3.1 A principal who resigns from a position to care for pre-school children may apply to re-enter the service under preferential provisions subject to clause 2.2, provided that:

The absence does not exceed four years from the date of resignation, or five years from the date of cessation of duties to take up parental leave.
The applicant must:

produce a birth certificate for the pre-school child;
sign a statutory declaration confirming that absence has been due to the care of a pre-school chi…

8.2 Discussions in a Māori Context


The principal must be advised in writing of the specific matter(s) causing concern.  The principal and the Board may, depending on the nature of the complaint, agree to attempt to deal with a complaint by it being heard in a Māori context and manner.
A Māori context and manner relates to the following:

meetings can be held on marae;
there is face to face engagement;
there can be whanau support for all involved; and
guidance and advice is often provided by kaumatua and kuia for all involv…

3 Fuel and Power

3.1 Coal, diesel and gas shall be provided free of charge.

3.2 Employees shall pay the cost of their domestic electricity consumption depending on the size of their household. This shall be up to the following maximums:

Household Size
Maximum Annual Payment ($)

1 person

2-4 persons

5+ persons

Where employee households exceed the maximum domestic electricity consumption cost, as provided for in the table above, employees shall be reimbursed the additional cost by the…

Personal Grievances

A personal grievance is a particular type of employment relationship problem that normally must be raised with the employer within 90 days of the grievance arising (12 months in the case of a personal grievance in respect of sexual harassment).

An employee may have a personal grievance where:

they have been dismissed without good reason, or the dismissal was not carried out properly; or
their employment or a condition of their employment has been affected to their disadvantage by an unjustifie…

4.3 Working Relationship

4.3.1 Where there is a problem in the working relationship between the principal and the Board (including individual Board members) that has not been informally resolved and is to the detriment of the school, the Board, in consultation with the principal, may consider appointing a suitably qualified independent person to mediate or facilitate between the parties and/or undertake an impartial and objective assessment of the concern(s).

Level 3: Emerging Programmes (31% to 50% Immersion)

English is the main language of communication and instruction.
The teacher can communicate at a basic level of Māori, but has difficulty instructing in Māori.
Māori is used as the classroom management language.
An increase in the level of immersion is restricted by the level of fluency of the teacher.
A Kaiarahi Reo is usually the only fluent speaker in the programme.

Note: A school which is offering Māori as a subject only would not meet the level 3 Immersion criteria.

Principals Moving to a U1 or U2 School

3 Principals Moving to a U1 or U2 School and/or a School in which the Current Principal Receives the Isolation Allowance

A principal with 5 years' current continuous service as a principal shall be eligible for removal services and expenses provided in clause 1.1 of this Appendix when moving to a U1 or U2 school and/or a school in which the current principal receives the Isolation Allowance.

10.4 Medical Retirement


The purpose of this provision is to:
Provide the opportunity for principals currently in service, who are declared medically unfit or who have a terminal or serious illness, to retire from teaching with dignity;
Give the ability for boards to recruit a new principal to the vacant permanent position without delay.

‘Currently in service’ means the principal is employed in a permanent position at the time the application for medical retirement is made and when concurrence is given by the S…