Primary Principals' (NZEI) Collective Agreement

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Primary Principals' (NZEI Te Riu Roa) Collective Agreement [PDF, 778 KB]

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Changes to the agreement

Read about the recent changes in the Primary Principals' (NZEI) Collective Agreement.

Changes to the Primary Principals’ (NZEI) Collective Agreement 2023-25

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Terms of Settlement - Primary Principals' Collective Agreement

This section sets out the components of the settlement of the Primary Principals’ Collective Agreement (PPCA) 2023 – 2025.This section sets out the components of the settlement of the Primary Principals’ Collective Agreement (PPCA) 2023 – 2025.

This agreement has been settled between the Secretary for Education and the NZEI Te Riu Roa. It shall be subject to ratification by NZEI Te Riu Roa members pursuant to section 51 of the Employment Relations Act 2000.

The terms outlined in this document…

5.2 Remuneration

5.2.1 A principal’s salary shall comprise the school roll-based salary (U-grade) in clause 5.2.2, the staffing-based salary component in clause 5.2.3, the Equity Index payment (where applicable) in clause 5.2.4, the payment for Leadership in Literacy and Numeracy in clause 5.2.5, and the Career payment in clause 4.4.1(f) (where applicable).

5.2.2 The Principal’s salary shall be determined in accordance with the grade of the school (i.e. U1-U16):

School roll-based salary component


3 Fuel and Power

3.1 Coal, diesel and gas shall be provided free of charge.

3.2 Employees shall pay the cost of their domestic electricity consumption depending on the size of their household. This shall be up to the following maximums:

Household Size
Maximum Annual Payment ($)

1 person

2-4 persons

5+ persons

Where employee households exceed the maximum domestic electricity consumption cost, as provided for in the table above, employees shall be reimbursed the additional cost by the…