Area School Teachers' Collective Agreement

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Changes to the agreement

Read about the recent changes in the Area School Teachers' Collective Agreement.

Changes to the Area School Teachers’ Collective Agreement 2023-25

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Showing 1 - 11 of 11 results for 2024

3.1 Base Salary Scales

… considered, for the purposes of this clause, to be trained and qualified as teachers to teach in NZ.

Rates prior to
3 July 2023
Rates effective
3 July 2023
Rates effective
3 April 2024
Rates effective
2 December 2024






Appendix 10: Terms of Settlement

… 2023. 

2. Remuneration for Trained Teachers 

The parties agree that the Base Salary Scale for Trained Teachers will be renewed for the term of the agreement and will provide three increases: 6% effective from 3 July 2023, followed by 4% on 3 April 2024, 3.9% from 2 December 2024 to each step of the BSS.

Additionally, from 3 July 2023, steps 1 and 2 of the BSS are merged with a new minimum rate of $56,757 as shown below:  

Base Salary Scale for Trained Teachers:


Qualification Group No…

Appendix 8: Sick Leave Translation

Translation from a teacher’s current table-based entitlement to the proposed allocation shall occur on 28 January 2024.

Translation to the new sick leave entitlement in clauses 5.1.2 will be based on the teacher's years of aggregate employment as defined in clause 5.2.1(a) and the corresponding entitlement in the Translation Table.

A teacher's sick leave balance will be their translated entitlement, less sick leave taken during their aggregate employment as at the date of translation…

4.2 Maximum Timetabled Classroom Teaching Time

… time for senior management positions in accordance with school policies.

Transitional Arrangements for part-time teachers who predominantly teach years 7-13
Part-time teachers who predominantly teach years 7 – 13, who are employed at the end of the 2024 school year and who continue to be employed in the same school on 28 January 2025 will have their FTTE as at 27 January 2025 increased by 11 per cent and their maximum timetabled classroom teaching hours will be based on that increased FTTE. Th…

5.1 Sick Leave


Until 27 January 2024, a teacher who is granted leave due to sickness or injury shall be entitled to sick leave on pay for a period or periods not exceeding the amounts set out in the table below:

Length of service
Aggregated sick leave entitlement

Up to 3 months
7 days

Over 3 months and up to 6 months
14 days

Over 6 months and up to 9 months
31 days

Over 9 months and up to 5 years
46 days

Over 5 years and up to 10 years
92 days

Over 10 years and up to 20 years
154 days

Over 20 ye…

Annexe 1: Automatic translation to pay scale

… will increment one step only, once every 12 months, on the anniversary of their appointment.
Salary scenarios – translation and progression  

G3 Entry - Step 1: employee translates across

Jan 2023

3 July 2023
CA increase and merged new scale

Jan 2024
Annual increment

3 April 2024
CA increase

2 Dec 2024
CA increase

Jan 2025
Annual increment

(old) Step 1

(new) Step 1

(new) Step 2

(new) Step 2

(new) Step 2

(new) Step 3







G3 Step 2:…

5.2 Further Sick Leave Provisions

… in employment will be counted towards the timing of their next entitlement after return to employment. Further entitlements will be granted when the teacher reaches the next entitlement threshold as outlined in clause 5.1.1a above, or, from 28 January 2024, in clause 5.1.2a.
5.2.2 Recognition of other employment for additional sick leave purposes

Upon first appointment to a teaching position in a state or state integrated school, or following a break in employment, the following employment out…

1.10 Additional Payments

… August 2023 and on that day were on approved unpaid leave under Part 5 of this collective agreement are entitled, upon application, to receive the above payments on their return to their position providing that they return on or before the end of Term 1, 2024 or on or before 3 July 2025 for those on parental leave. The $1,500 payment will be based on the teacher’s FTTE as at their last working day before going on leave.

1.10.3 Additional payments for all area school teachers

A one-off gross l…

3.27 Relievers

… appropriate annual salary for each day worked (inclusive of holiday pay); provided that the maximum daily rate payable for relievers employed for no more than three (3) weeks shall not exceed 1/190 of step 5 on the base salary scale. From 28 January 2024, the rate payable shall not exceed 1/190 of step 6 of the base salary scale.
If employed on an hourly basis, this proportion shall be 1/950 of the applicable annual rate to a maximum of step 5 on the base salary scale (inclusive of holiday pay)…

3.35 Pacific Bilingual and Immersion Teaching Allowance

… requirements in that clause and have the language proficiency necessary to teach the curriculum in a Pacific language for the period required by the Pacific bilingual or language immersion level in which they are engaged.

3.35.3 From the 28 January 2024, all eligible teachers teaching in a Pacific language in a Pacific bilingual or immersion unit/programme/class [as defined by the Ministry in School Roll Return Guidelines shall receive the allowance that relates to the highest language Level i…

3.36 Cultural Leadership Allowance

3.36.1 From 28 January 2024, a Cultural Leadership allowance will be introduced, the number of which will be generated by formula in the Staffing Order.

3.36.2 Each allowance will be $5,000 per annum and is paid at the substantive rate to both part time and full-time teachers. However, with the agreement of the employer, the allowance and responsibilities may be equally shared between two teachers, in which case the allowance will be split between them.

3.36.3 Criteria for accessing the allowa…