Area School Teachers' Collective Agreement

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Changes to the agreement

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Changes to the Area School Teachers’ Collective Agreement 2023-25

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Showing 41 - 71 of 71 results for Non contact time

2.10 Beginning Teacher Time Allowance

2.10.1 Trained beginning teachers in their first year of a provisional appointment who are employed fulltime shall be an 0.8 charge against the school staffing entitlement but shall receive full salary and shall not have more than 20 hours of allocated duties during normal school hours each week. Trained beginning teachers in their first year who are less than full time but who are employed for 0.5 or more of a full-time load shall receive 0.1 FTTE. These time allowances are for advice and guida…

5.9 Refreshment Leave

5.9.1 Full-time registered teachers who have attained the Experienced Classroom Teacher level of the Professional Standards shall be entitled (subject to clause 5.9.2) to take unpaid refreshment leave of one school term after three years in the school or up to one school year after five years in the school. When a period of refreshment leave has been taken, a further period of qualifying service in the school, from the date of return from leave, is required before the teacher may be considered f…

1.10 Additional Payments

1.10.1 The parties to this Agreement recognise the value in their ongoing and productive relationship, including their joint efforts to give effect to building an environment in which the teaching profession is highly regarded, sustainable, and is fit for now and the future of learning. Collective bargaining is a key part of those joint efforts.

In recognition of the benefits arising out of the parties’ relationship, including PPTA Te Wehengarua and NZEI Te Riu Roa’s role in negotiating terms a…

3.11 Acting or Relieving Principals

3.11.1 When a permanent teacher acts in the position of principal in the same school for a period of more than two (2) school weeks, payment for the period concerned shall be an allowance representing the difference between her/his salary and the minimum rate applicable to the principal’s position but shall not be less than the rate of salary in the employee’s own permanent position.

3.11.2 When a teacher relieves in the position of principal in another school for more than two (2) school weeks…

2.11 Te Atākura Time Allowance

2.11.1 Te Atākura graduates trained in 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 and 1992:

Shall be allocated a time allowance of up to 0.5 FTTE as a special allowance for teachers trained under Te Atākura scheme for the use of their special skills in the areas of Taha Māori, of support for Māori students and for liaison between the school and the Māori community; and at least 0.5 FTTE from the school’s normal staffing entitlement.
For clarity, these allowances are in addition to those provided under clause…

Appendix 2 - Removal Expenses

2.1 Travel Expenses

2.1.1 The following travel expenses are refundable:

Transport costs of teacher and family/dependants by the cheapest suitable public transport available;
Taxi fares to and from transport;
Cost of meals on route;
Cost of overnight board if stopover unavoidable;
When travelling by own transport, payment of motor vehicle allowance rates as follows:
Motorcar - 39 cents per km
Motorcycle - 21 cents per km;
Equivalent surface fare for a member of the teacher’s family or a dependa…

5.11 Travelling Time for Leave Purposes

5.11.1 Where specifically approved in this agreement, travelling time with pay for a period up to seven days (exclusive of public holidays) may be granted subject to the following conditions:

Leave for travelling can only be granted if the teacher is required to travel when the school is open;
The quickest and most direct means of travel shall be used;
No travelling time is granted for a journey that is preceded by leave without pay or for a return journey that is followed by a period of leave…

2.13 Surplus Staffing Provisions


Where, by reason of a reorganisation of, or a change in, the attendance at a school; or by reason of the closure, or change of classification of a school that is initiated by the Secretary for Education, Minister of Education, or by operation of the Staffing Orders an employer is required to reduce the number of teaching positions or to alter the status of positions to which units are allocated, the position(s) to be disestablished or altered in status shall be determined in accordance w…

3.13 Careers Adviser Allowance

3.13.1 A teacher appointed as a careers adviser shall be paid an allowance at the rate of $2,250 per annum from 1 July 2019. This allowance is paid at the substantive rate for both full time and part time teachers, regardless of the number of units they hold.

3.14 Māori Immersion Teaching Allowance

3.14.1 The purpose of this allowance is to give practical recognition to te reo Māori as a taonga to be actively protected under te Tiriti o Waitangi and to recognise the special and valued skills and knowledge kaiako must have to teach the curriculum through te reo Māori.3.14.1 The purpose of this allowance is to give practical recognition to te reo Māori as a taonga to be actively protected under te Tiriti o Waitangi and to recognise the special and valued skills and knowledge kaiako must have…

2.13A Employment Protection Provisions

2.13A.1 ‘Restructuring’ is given the same definition as in section 69OI of the Employment Relations Act 2000 and includes:

contracting out; or
selling or transferring the employer’s business (or part of it) to another person;
but excludes mergers and school reorganisations as defined in Appendix 4.

2.13A.2 Where work undertaken by an employee covered by this agreement will be, or is likely to be, undertaken by a new employer (whether or not the new employer is an “employer” defined in clause 1…

2.14 Head of Department/ Tutor Teacher Time Allowance

2.14.1 Each school will receive an additional 0.04 FTTE for each full time year-one beginning teacher granted the year-one beginning teacher allowance as in clause 2.10.1.

2.14.2 The school shall allocate the equivalent of one hour non-teaching time per week to the person responsible for directly providing an advice, guidance and support programme to that beginning teacher. Schools have flexibility to decide how they allocate this time within or across weeks.

2.14.3 Time allowances shall aggre…

3.15 Associate Teacher Allowance

3.15.1 A teacher who has been assigned by the principal to assist in the practical training of students from a college of education, or a teacher training provider approved and accredited under the provisions of the Education and Training Act 2020, or a teacher undertaking a full-time course of specialised training, shall be paid an allowance for each hour of student contact up to a maximum of sixteen (16) hours contact with any one student in any week at a minimum rate of $3.20 per student to a…

3.16 Tutor Teacher Allowance

3.16.1 A tutor teacher is a fully certificated teacher who has met the professional standards in this agreement as appropriate and is designated as being responsible for providing an advice and guidance programme to a provisionally certificated first or second year teacher working towards full certification. The responsibilities of a tutor teacher include assisting the provisionally certificated teacher to meet the requirements for becoming fully certificated.

3.16.2 The Tutor Teacher Allowance…

2.15 Specialist Teacher

2.15.1 Each area school shall be entitled to select a permanent teacher to perform the role of a Specialist Teacher.

2.15.2 A school with a school roll of 1-99 shall receive a time allowance of 0.08 FTTE per week. This time allowance shall be timetabled Specialist Teacher time and shall be in addition to non-contact time or classroom release time. The Specialist Teacher shall allocate a minimum of two hours in their timetabled week to the professional development and guidance of other teaching…

2.16 Start of Year

2.16.1 Regardless of the first day schools are open for instruction in Term 1, for normal pay and employment purposes the start of the school year is 28 January for those teachers that are employed for that year, except that for teachers being employed for the first time in a state or integrated school, or being employed after a break in service, their start day is as advised to payroll by the employer.

2.18 Overseas Teacher Time Allowance

2.18.1 School boards that employ an overseas trained teacher, are entitled to receive an Overseas Teacher Time Allowance of an additional 0.1 FTTE provided that the teacher meets the criteria outlined in clause 2.18.2. The allowance is available for a maximum of twenty weeks. The allowance may be applied for by the school board at any time within the first 12 months of an overseas teacher’s employment.

2.18.2 For the school to receive an Overseas Teacher Time Allowance, the employed teacher mus…

3.20 Staffing Incentive Allowance

3.20.1 An additional salary of $1000 per annum shall be payable to:

all full-time teachers appointed to advertised positions in schools designated as having serious staffing difficulties;
long-term relieving teachers appointed to long-term relieving positions for not less than two (2) complete terms in schools designated as having serious staffing difficulties;
notwithstanding the above, permanent or long-term relieving teachers who receive three (3) or more permanent management units are exclu…

2.19 Professional Learning Days

2.19.1 Schools deemed isolated (at time of this settlement being those covered by Targeted Funding for Isolation) shall have funding for three professional learning days per annum (per school) for the purpose of enabling permanent and long term relieving teachers to visit other schools for professional learning.

2.19.2 The parties developed guidelines for the use of this time during 2008. The guidelines include consultation between employers and teachers on the processes of allocation of the pr…

3.21 Area Schools Priority Teacher Supply Allowance

3.21.1 The Area Schools Priority Teacher Supply Allowance (ASPTSA) applies to teachers employed in those area schools identified by the Ministry of Education | Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga as requiring additional support for recruitment and retention. The schools identified by the Ministry are those set out in separate advice and may be changed by the Ministry as needs change, no more than annually, after consultation with the unions.

3.21.2 Full-time and part-time (0.5 FTTE and above) teachers wh…