Area School Teachers' Collective Agreement

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Changes to the agreement

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Changes to the Area School Teachers’ Collective Agreement 2023-25

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5.2 Further Sick Leave Provisions

5.2.1 Aggregate Employment for Sick Leave Purposes

For the purposes of sick leave, “aggregate employment” means:

all full and part-time employment as a teacher or principal in any state or state-integrated school; and
any employment recognised under clause 5.2.2 below; plus
all short-term relief worked in any state or state-integrated school on the basis that every 190 days or 950 hours equals one year of employment.

The amount of sick leave available to a teacher returning to teaching follow…

4.3 Definitions

4.3.1 For the purposes of this clause, unless the context otherwise requires:

“Half day” (HD) shall have the meaning implied by its use in section 10 of the Education and Training Act 2020.
“Overtime” shall mean any timetabled teaching time in excess of two HD on any one day, or in excess of 10 HD in any one week, and shall include any timetabled teaching time scheduled on a Saturday or a Sunday except where the timetabled teaching time is correspondingly reduced, and any timetabled teaching ti…

5.3 Parental Leave

5.3.1 The teacher is entitled to take parental leave under the Parental Leave and Employment Protection Act 1987 (PLEPA). In addition to the teacher’s rights under the PLEPA the following shall apply:

Parental leave may commence at any time during the pregnancy subject to the teacher giving the employer one month’s notice in writing, supported by a medical certificate. A shorter period of notice will be accepted on the recommendation of a medical practitioner. The teacher can take up to 12 mont…

2.4 Teacher Conduct and Discipline

2.4.1 Where a breach of discipline appears to have occurred, the employer shall determine whether disciplinary procedures should be initiated.

Where the employer considers it appropriate it shall make initial enquiries to establish whether the disciplinary procedures should be initiated.

In some cases, where the facts are clear and acknowledged, resolution may be achieved informally by discussion between the parties without the need for initiating the disciplinary procedures.

The teacher shal…

3.4 Units

3.4.1 School boards will be entitled, in any one school year, to a number of units for the purposes of management, responsibility (which may include responsibility for curriculum), recruitment, retention and/or reward, generated by formula in the Area Schools Staffing Order. The employer, following consultation with its teaching staff, will determine the use of units. Up to 40% of the units may be allocated on a fixed term basis.

3.4.2 Units are paid at the rate of $5,000 per annum. They are pa…

3.5 Middle Management Allowances

3.5.1 An employer will be entitled, in each school year, to a number of Middle Management Allowances generated by formula in the Education (School Staffing) Order. The employer, following consultation with its teaching staff, shall determine the allocation of these allowances. Up to 40% of the allowances may be allocated on a fixed term basis in schools with four (4) or more middle management allowances and schools with fewer than four (4) middle management allowances will be able to allocate on…

2.5 Conflict Resolution

2.5.1 Ngā Kōrero me ngā Tikanga

Me tuku reta atu ki te kaimahi hei whakamārama atu i nga raruraru kua puta noa. Mehemea he pai ki te kaimahi rāua tahi ko tona tumuaki, e āhei ana ki te whakahaere tonutia ngā whakaritenga i raro i ngā tikanga Māori.
Anei ra ātahi momo tikanga hei kōwhiringa mā rātou:

he huihuinga kei te marae;
he whakawhiti kōrero kanohi ki te kanohi;
ka hui mai te whānau hei tuarā mō te katoa; ā
ka hui mai ngā kaumatua kuia hei arahi hei tohutohu i rātou katoa;

Mēnā ka whakaa…

5.4 Bereavement/Tangihanga Leave for Death in New Zealand or Overseas

5.4.1 Teachers shall be granted leave with pay to allow a reasonable opportunity to discharge their obligations and/or to pay their respects to a deceased person with whom they have had a close association. Such obligations may exist because of blood or family ties or because of particular cultural requirements such as attendance at all or part of a tangihanga (or its equivalent).

5.4.2 In granting time off, and for how long, the following points must be taken into account:

The closeness of th…

4.5 Length of School Week

4.5.1 Except where interrupted by any public holiday or any other holiday allowed for in accordance with legislation or by any provision in this agreement authorising the absence of teachers, the length of the school week for each school shall be determined according to the requirement that students are normally required to be in attendance for 10 HD on the days Monday to Friday inclusive.

4.5.2 The normal teaching load in respect of any one week is therefore related to that requirement.


3.6 Scale Increments

3.6.1 Subject to the provisions of clause 3.7 and clause 3.8 below, all full time, and permanent part-time teachers shall, as a minimum, annually advance step by step to the maximum of the appropriate scale, providing that the employer has attested that the teacher meets the requirements of the appropriate level of the professional standards included in Schedule 1 to this agreement. The professional standards may only be varied during the term of this agreement according to the process set out i…

1.6 Variations

1.6.1 The parties agree that the terms and conditions of this agreement may be varied at any time by written agreement between the Secretary for Education, under delegation from the Public Service Commissioner, and the Association and the Institute. Any variation shall take effect from the date of settlement unless otherwise specified.

2.7 Re-Entry after Absence Due to Childcare

2.7.1 An employee who resigns from a permanent position to care for pre-school children may apply to re-enter the service under preferential provisions provided that:

The absence does not exceed four years from the date of resignation or, five years from the date of cessation of duties to take up parental leave.
The employee must:

produce a birth certificate for the pre-school child;
sign a statutory declaration indicating that absence has been due to the care of a pre-school child and paid em…

5.6 Hui Leave

5.6.1 Teacher Development - Bilingual Class - All teachers in bilingual classes may be entitled to one (1) day’s paid leave per year to attend district, regional or national hui on bilingual education.

5.6.2 Ngā whakataetae mo ngā kapa haka kura tuarua - There is a national entitlement of fourteen (14) teacher relief days to run the contests, together with a national travel provision of $204.00.

5.6.3 Travelling time may be allowed in terms of clause 5.8 of the agreement.

4.7 Division of Year into Terms and Holidays

4.7.1 For the purposes of organising their educational programmes it is noted that schools are permitted to divide the school year into teaching terms and holidays (vacations) in accordance with legislation.

4.7.2 The employer may require teachers to attend school or elsewhere when the school is not open for instruction for up to five days or equivalent per annum for all or any of the following purposes – school administration, preparation and coordination, departmental and related activities a…

2.8 Termination of Employment


The notice required to be given to a permanently appointed teacher who holds a position which was advertised shall be two months, and for such a teacher who holds such a position the notice to be given to the employer shall be two months, except where the teacher and the employer agree to a lesser period of notice from the teacher.
Where an employer has dismissed an employee, except in cases of serious misconduct, the employer at their discretion may provide up to two months’ salary in li…

5.7 Leave for Family Reasons


A teacher may be granted leave for family reasons subject to meeting the requirements as provided for in clauses 5.7.2 - 5.7.5 below.
Definition - For the purposes of clause 5.5, the terms “near relative” and “near relative-in-law” mean the teacher’s:
Grandparents Father-In-Law Sons-In-Law
Grandchildren Mother-In-Law Daughters-In-Law
The terms do not exist beyond those degrees of relationship.

5.7.2 Serious illness

A teacher may be granted leave with pay on account of serious acciden…

3.8 Deferred Progression


Principals will be able to defer progression for teachers who have not met the professional standards at the appropriate level throughout the assessment period.
If it is agreed that the teacher has demonstrated within the timeframe determined by the principal (in consultation with the teacher) that they are meeting the appropriate standards, they will progress to the next step from the date of the second assessment. The teacher’s anniversary date for the purposes of progression only, woul…

3.9 Local Review Process


Where a teacher disagrees with the deferral of their salary increment the teacher may, within fourteen (14) working days of being notified of the deferral, seek a review.
The employee may be represented during the process.
A reviewer shall be a person nominated by the school board and acceptable to the employee. The reviewer may be another staff member but should not be someone connected with the original decision to defer progression. In the event that agreement cannot be reached on a re…

5.8 Special Leave

5.8.1 Special leave of absence with or without pay may be granted to a teacher subject to meeting the requirements as provided for in clauses 5.8.2 - 5.8.10 below. Unless stated otherwise, the special leave provisions apply to full-time permanent and long-term relieving teachers.

5.8.2 Court proceedings
Except when teachers are pursuing their own interests or where answering charges against themselves, the employer will grant leave with pay when a teacher is required by subpoena to attend cour…

2.9 Medical Retirement

Note 1: A teacher who is eligible for medical retirement for terminal illness may elect to take retirement under the provisions for either serious illness or terminal illness but not both and will be entitled to one payment only.

Note 2: In the event that an employee deceases in service without activating or uplifting the medical retirement provisions outlined in medical retirement terminal illness or medical retirement serious illness, the estate of the employee shall have no claim on the medi…