Area School Teachers' Collective Agreement

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Changes to the Area School Teachers’ Collective Agreement 2023-25

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Appendix 9: Resource Teachers / Learning and Behaviour (RTLB)

1.1 Clauses 1.8(e) - (g) shall only apply to changes of RTLB Cluster Lead School Employer board (RCLSE) within the area school sector, i.e., from the school board of one area school to an another.

1.2 Where an RCLSE proposes to relinquish that role, the employer shall inform the Ministry of Education National Office of the proposal.

1.3 The employer will inform the RTLBs it employs about the proposed relinquishment, and will consult those RTLBS on the proposed relinquishment, within 14 days of…

3.1 Base Salary Scales

3.1.1 The following salary scales are payable to teachers covered by the agreement.

3.1.2 Base Salary Scale – Trained Teachers

This base salary scale applies to all certificated teachers (including Provisionally Certificated and Subject To Confirmation categories but not Limited Authority to Teach) by the Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand as they are considered, for the purposes of this clause, to be trained and qualified as teachers to teach in NZ.


9.1 Right of Access

9.1.1 Subject to the Employment Relations Act 2000 the Secretary or other authorised officer of the unions shall, be entitled to enter at all reasonable times upon the premises for the purposes related to the employment of its members or for purposes related to the union’s business or both. The Secretary or other authorised officer shall enter at a reasonable time and in a reasonable way and comply with existing health and safety procedures and requirements applying in respect of the school.

Appendix 3 – Qualifications

Relevant Specialist Level 7 Qualifications and other Qualification Matters

Teachers who hold a bachelor degree together with a recognised teaching qualification (e.g. Diploma of Teaching), or a degree conjointly completed with a bachelor degree of teaching, or an honours degree of teaching, or a Diploma of Teaching together with an Advanced Diploma of Teaching together with a level 7, 120 credit relevant specialist diploma, or a bachelor degree of teaching together with a level 7, 120 credit re…

Appendix 5 - Surplus staffing procedures

5.1 Where a school reduces staffing or alters the status of positions, because of the operation of clause 2.13 of this agreement, the following procedures will apply:

The employer shall inform employees of the number of full time teaching equivalent (FTTE) positions to be disestablished and the number of positions to which units are allocated to be altered in status.
The employer shall attempt to meet any reduction required by the use of attrition.
Attrition is the non-replacement of employees…

Appendix 6 - Medical Retirement - Serious Illness

(Where "notes" are used in this Appendix they are explanatory and not substantive.)

6.1 A teacher with a terminal illness may apply for medical retirement under either the terminal illness provision or the serious illness provision but not both and will be entitled to one payment only.
Note: This provision excludes any claim on disregarded sick leave.

6.2 The purpose of this provision is to:

Provide the opportunity for teachers, currently in service, who are declared medically unfi…

Appendix A - Resource Teachers Learning and Behaviour (RTLB)

1.1 The following provisions shall apply to RTLB in regard to the 2011 reorganisation of the RTLB Service to deal with the formation of new clustering arrangements and to provide an orderly process to retain employment opportunities.

For the purpose of the clauses below:

A ‘lead school employer’ is a school in a new or transformed cluster which has taken on the role of employing all RTLB within the new cluster.
A ‘ceasing school employer’ is a school that is ceasing to receive cluster resourci…

Appendix 7: Salary on Appointment

Salary on Appointment

Note: These provisions shall be applied in accordance with any administrative conditions that were in effect at the commencement of this Agreement. Nothing in these provisions shall be read as extending any entitlement beyond that which existed at the commencement of this Agreement except as may be expressly agreed to by the Secretary for Education after consultation with the unions.

1. General

1.1 Salary on appointment depends on qualifications and credit for previous s…

Appendix 4 - Staffing Mergers

4.1 Operation of staffing merger processes

4.1.1 The purpose of these provisions is to:

Provide a staffing-merger process that facilitates a fair and orderly transition;
Ensure an appropriate management structure is in place to enable the merged school to function efficiently and effectively;
Ensure continuity of curriculum delivery at the merging schools prior to merger
Ensure that as many teachers as possible currently employed are re-assigned or re-confirmed to positions in the process of m…

Appendix 10: Terms of Settlement

This section sets out the components of the settlement of the Area School Teachers’ Collective Agreement (ASTCA) 2023 – 2025.This section sets out the components of the settlement of the Area School Teachers’ Collective Agreement (ASTCA) 2023 – 2025.

This agreement has been settled between the Secretary for Education, PPTA Te Wehengarua, and NZEI Te Riu Roa. The new collective agreement shall be subject to ratification by union members pursuant to section 51 of the Employment Relations Act 2000…

4.1 General

4.1.1 As well as the number of classes a teacher may be timetabled to teach, the hours of work of individual teachers are influenced by factors such as:

the preparation, evaluation and assessment time that may be generated by those classes and the students within them or by other requirements such as external examination prescriptions or the need to report on the progress of individual students;
the counselling and pastoral needs of students;
the administrative responsibilities of individual te…

2.2 Appointments

2.2.1 In appointing the person best suited to the position the school board will have regard to the experience, qualifications and abilities relevant to the position and such other relevant matters as it determines. Good employer and equal employment opportunities principles and responsibilities shall be applied and demonstrated in appointment procedures.

2.2.2 Advertising and Appointments

The following vacant positions or roles must be advertised in the Education Gazette at least 14 days befo…

4.2 Maximum Timetabled Classroom Teaching Time

4.2.1 The non-contact time allocations for full time teachers teaching across years 7-13 and the maximum timetabled classroom teaching time, are an acknowledgement of the importance to quality education of the duties other than classroom teaching (such as those referred to in clause 4.1.1(a) to (d) above) which teachers are required to undertake while schools are open for instruction. The parties are committed to the monitoring of the operation of these provisions
Note: For the purposes of clau…

7.2 Eligibility

7.2.1 A teacher who holds a permanent position or long-term relieving position of four terms or more is eligible for removal expenses as set out in Appendix 2 in the following circumstances:

Relocating to another housing district

Criteria / Definition

Moving from employment in a State or State Integrated school to employment in a different State or State Integrated school

Shifting from a permanent role in an area school to another permanent position in another school…

8.1 Employment Relationship Problem Resolution Services

Personal grievances and disputes shall be addressed in accordance with the provisions of Part 9 of the Employment Relations Act 2000.

8.1 Employment Relationship Problem Resolution Services

The following is a plain language explanation of the employment relationship problem resolution services.

What is an employment relationship problem?
It is a problem between employee and employer. For example, it might be a personal grievance or a dispute about a provision in an employment agreement.


10.3 Safety Glasses

10.3.1 Where a teacher is considered to be working in an “eye danger” area, the teacher shall receive a personal issue of standard neutral safety glasses which shall remain the property of the employer.

10.3.2 Where a teacher who ordinarily wears optical glasses at work is engaged on work in an “eye danger” area, the teacher shall be supplied for the time engaged on such work, with specially hardened neutral “clip-on” type safety glasses to be worn over normal glasses. Such “clip-on” glasses sh…

4.3 Definitions

4.3.1 For the purposes of this clause, unless the context otherwise requires:

“Half day” (HD) shall have the meaning implied by its use in section 10 of the Education and Training Act 2020.
“Overtime” shall mean any timetabled teaching time in excess of two HD on any one day, or in excess of 10 HD in any one week, and shall include any timetabled teaching time scheduled on a Saturday or a Sunday except where the timetabled teaching time is correspondingly reduced, and any timetabled teaching ti…

5.2 Further Sick Leave Provisions

5.2.1 Aggregate Employment for Sick Leave Purposes

For the purposes of sick leave, “aggregate employment” means:

all full and part-time employment as a teacher or principal in any state or state-integrated school; and
any employment recognised under clause 5.2.2 below; plus
all short-term relief worked in any state or state-integrated school on the basis that every 190 days or 950 hours equals one year of employment.

The amount of sick leave available to a teacher returning to teaching follow…

2.3 Teacher Competence

2.3.1 The employer will provide reasonable opportunities for appropriate and effective professional development for all teachers.

2.3.2 Where there are matters of competence which are causing concern in respect of any employee (including failing to meet the professional standards as appropriate), the employee concerned shall be advised as early as possible. Questions of competency should be handled in a manner which protects the mana and dignity of the teacher concerned. The teacher shall be ad…

8.2 Personal Grievance

Sections 103 to 110B are reproduced below from Part 9 of the Employment Relations Act 2000.

103 Personal grievance

For the purposes of this Act, personal grievance means any grievance that an employee may have against the employee's employer or former employer because of a claim-

that the employee has been unjustifiably dismissed; or
that the employee's employment, or 1 or more conditions of the employee's employment (including any condition that survives termination of the emp…