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Ministry of Education New Zealand

Emergency plans

Schools and kura must have plans in place for how they will manage emergencies. These help keep ākonga | students and staff safe during an emergency event.

Check with your school to find out about their emergency plan.

Keep your contact details updated

If any of your contact details change, let your school know. It is important that your child's school can reach you if an emergency happens. You should also make sure your school knows about anything your child might need in an emergency, such as medications.

Check that your school has a trusted adult listed as a contact who could pick up your child if you are unable to.

During an emergency event

Follow instructions from your child's school. If your child contacts you, be calm. Tell them to follow the directions of staff.

Wait to hear from your school

Your school will take care of your child until it is safe for you to pick them up. They will let you know when it is safe.

Stay away from the school until you have officially been told it is safe. Arriving at school too early could interfere with the emergency response. You might also put more people in danger.

After the event

After an emergency, you or your child may feel stressed or anxious. This usually reduces over time as you return to your routines.

If your child’s wellbeing has been affected by an event, talk to your school.

  • Parents and caregivers