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Ministry of Education New Zealand

Benefits of Internal Environment Monitoring (IEM) devices

We know that good indoor air quality, thermal, acoustics and visual comfort all support better educational outcomes. Poor quality air significantly increases the risk of airborne diseases and impacts students’ ability to learn.

The benefit of IEMs is that they gather data on indoor air quality that can be read in real time. Without such devices, indoor environmental factors cannot be accurately measured.

With an IEM device, teachers can track shifts in air quality. If readings are too high, they can take immediate steps to maintain a suitable teaching and learning environment.

Watch our video about IEMs.

Te Haratau - Internal Environment Monitoring devices

How to use Internal Environment Monitoring (IEM) devices at school.

Where to install IEM devices

It is vital to install IEM devices in a place where the sensors can get reliable information.

When choosing a place to install the device at school, you should consider the following factors:

  • proximity to direct sunlight
  • location of power sources
  • proximity to windows, heating and cooling systems, televisions and computer screens
  • location of windows and doors.

Our installation guide and checklist have instructions on how to permanently install IEM devices into your classrooms.

pdf thumbnailIndoor Environmental Monitoring (IEM) device guidance
pdf thumbnailIndoor Environmental Monitoring (IEM) checklist

Keep IEM devices online

Once installed, it is important that the IEM devices:

  • are not touched or moved
  • remain on 24 hours a day, 7 day a week, on mains power or battery
  • stay connected to the dedicated Wi-Fi network or cellular network
  • stay clear of any obstructions or coverings.

These devices must stay online so they can collect data that helps schools and us understand the performance of the internal environment of the space. If we notice devices are offline, we will contact the school.

What to do if your device seems inactive

There are a number of reasons why IEM devices can appear inactive.

Power loss

Power loss is the most common cause. If your IEM device is a USB-powered model, check if the USB charger is damaged. If internal components are exposed, contact your property advisor or Te Haratau for advice.

If the charger isn’t damaged, check your RCD panel to see if the plug socket is tripped. If it is not tripped (and only when it is safe to do so) try rebooting the device by unplugging and re-plugging the charger.

If the IEM is a battery-powered model, contact Te Haratau to check battery readings and replacement if needed.

Email: [email protected]

Network outage

If the power goes off in the whole building, your IEM device will typically lose Wi-Fi connectivity immediately.

Some schools switch power off overnight. Devices will reconnect when the power is turned back on in the morning.

The device is relocated or removed

If you move your IEMI device, there may be a change in Wi-Fi signal strength (RSSI) which impacts its ability to transmit data. For this reason, do not remove your device after installation.

What to do if there is damage to the USB charger

Mechanical damage can be caused by external impacts or actions to USB chargers.

If there is damage, you should isolate or switch off the plug socket as soon as possible, if you know how to. Then, contact your property advisor or Te Haratau for advice immediately.


Do not reuse a damaged USB charger.

Damage is not always obvious. Check regularly for wear and tear.

Contact your property advisor or Te Haratau immediately if the device is installed in a damp or wet area.

What to do if parts are missing

If the USB chargers are missing and it is safe and practical to replace with a new one, contact Te Haratau for new chargers.

If the cable of a Monkeytronics device is missing, you will need an untypical screw head or driver to remove the device from the wall. This is because of its anti-tampering design. Contact Te Haratau for advice.

How to view the data from your device

Your school can see live data collected by IEM devices in real time.

Schools will either have AirSuite or Monkeytronics devices. These show data in different ways:

  • Monkeytronics devices and some Airsuite devices have a screen for you to view the data.
  • some AirSuite devices have no screen. To view the data, you will need to download the AirSuite Monitor App.
Scan to download the AirSuite Monitor app
QR code for Te Haratau
AirSuite Internal Environment Monitoring devices.
Image of 3 AirSuite devices to monitor indoor air quality in schools.

Get help or advice

If you need help, contact your property advisor or email us.

Email: [email protected]