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Ministry of Education New Zealand

These findings informed the 2023 refresh of the Action Plan. A Measurement Framework to support further reviews of the Action Plan’s impact is also outlined in the Progress Report.

The Progress Report has 2 main parts.

Part 1: Progress on the government actions

The first Progress Report summarises:

  • the delivery of 21 of the 22 priority Government actions identified in the 2020 version of the Action Plan. One action was overtaken by COVID-19 events, with funding repurposed towards the Tulī Takes Flight scholarships, as part of the goodwill package accompanying the Dawn Raids apology
  • the inaugural round of Tulī Takes Flight scholarships was announced in August 2022, which is summarised in the Progress Report
  • a further 20 actions outlined in the Progress Report.


  • Provision of digital devices and internet connections.
  • Translation and distribution of key education materials in 10 Pacific languages to digitally excluded Pacific families.
  • New guided resources and a digital app for the Talanoa Ako programme.
  • Provision of new funding:
    • Pacific Education Innovation Fund to support innovative initiatives that respond to curriculum and wellbeing needs exacerbated by COVID-19.
    • Pacific Education Support Fund for community organisations and groups to respond to the education and wellbeing needs of Pacific families and support them to maintain strong relationships with education providers.

Part 2: Measurement framework and key findings

How are we measuring progress on the Action Plan?

A measurement framework was developed to facilitate and monitor progress on the Action Plan’s five key shifts by linking them with indicators that can be measured with existing data. This will help track progress on the Action Plan’s 5 key shifts over time.

The Measurement Framework, including baseline data, is outlined in the first progress report which will be used as the basis for future monitoring and progress reporting.

Potential indicators that do not have available measures have not been included in the measurement framework. We will continue to refine the measurement framework when more data becomes available.

What are the key findings of the Progress Report?

Alongside successes in delivering the priority actions of the Action Plan, we have reviewed and collated baseline data to help assess tangible contributions being made towards the Action Plan’s key shifts.

Mixed experiences

Key findings have revealed mixed experiences from Pacific people (learners, families and the workforce) in the education system and the system (learning environments) itself. That is, some positive results and some notable areas of challenge.

We have identified that while some Pacific learners are experiencing the benefits of participating in education, many are not, and the COVID-19 pandemic has had ongoing impacts.


  • More Pacific learners are achieving level 3 NCEA and University Entrance, which enables direct entry into tertiary study, but Pacific learners are still achieving at comparatively lower levels than other learners.
  • There are growing numbers of schools with Pacific bilingual and immersion units, but increased availability still does not meet demand in some parts of New Zealand.
  • School attendance is also at record lows for Pacific learners, which is likely contributed to by COVID-19, the cost-of-living crisis, and for some, the impacts of racism, bullying and other harms.

The findings have informed the 2023 refresh of the Action Plan so that we can continue the commitment to transform outcomes for Pacific learners and families.

Refresh of the Action Plan for Pacific Education for 2023