Budget 2022

The Budget 2022 education package totals $2 billion operating expenditure and $855 million capital expenditure. This represents a significant increase to education funding at a time where our economy and society are facing major challenges with high inflation and the medium to long-term effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Budget 2022 delivers on key areas in education:

  • Supporting education providers to enable all learners to succeed.
  • Increasing student attendance and engagement.

Budget 2022 builds on previous Budgets to improve property, deliver pay parity in early learning and commit to fairer and more equitable funding structures that will make a long-term difference in schools and the tertiary sector. This year’s investment will continue the good progress made towards delivering a world-class public education system that is safe and inclusive for all those participating in it, and ensures ākonga are present, participating and progressing in their learning.

It also provides significant funding to drive forward key reforms and deliver against Government manifesto commitments. These include continuing to invest in Supporting All Schools to Succeed, the Government’s response to the Independent Review of Tomorrow’s Schools, and the replacement of the decile system with the Equity Index.

Supporting All Schools to Succeed(external link)

Equity Index

More information

Education Budget 2022 highlights

Support for early learning services

Support for schools

Support for student engagement

Budget 2022 investment in supporting all schools to succeed

Māori education investment

Continued investment in school infrastructure

Education summary of initiatives 2022

Tertiary education summary of initiatives 2022

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